2 2 2 D O C U M E N T S 2 8 5 , 2 8 6 J U L Y 1 9 2 2 285. To Gustave Le Bon Berlin, 13 July 1922 Sir,– Given my difficulty in procuring your original works, I am not able to form a clear idea for myself of your method.[1] To elucidate the question, please contact Prof. Langevin[2] (Collège de France) personally. I perfectly rely on his judgment. Very respectfully, A. Einstein. 286. To Gilbert Murray[1] Berlin, 13 July 1922 Highly esteemed Sir, My decision to withdraw again from the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation[2] certainly did not come about out of a lack of interest in the interna- tional goals. On the contrary, I know that my resignation can only serve these goals. I became firmly persuaded that I am not a suitable representative of German intel- lectuals because I was not regarded by them fully as their representative. My avowed internationalism, my Swiss citizenship, my Jewish nationality, taken together, produce the effect that, in political matters, would not procure the neces- sary measure of trust, which a representative of a nation must possess, in order to serve successfully as a liaison. I feel very definitely that the majority of German intellectuals would not have the feeling of being really represented on the League of Nations committee if I sat on the committee. When I accepted the nomination, the situation was not as clear to me as now. In expressing my conviction that upon adequate knowledge of the German circumstances you will understand and approve of my motives, with earnest wishes for fruitful work by the committee and generally all work in the service of international exchanges, I am very sincerely yours.