INDEX References are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain institutions, orga- nizations, and concepts that have no standard English translation are listed under their for- eign designation (with cross-references from an English translation). For the meaning of abbreviations, see the List of Abbreviations in the documentary edition. Aarau Cantonal School, Class of 1895, 25th an- niversary of, welcome to AE, 186 Aardenne, Gijsbert van (1888–1983), 27, 34 Abraham, Max (1875–1922), 250 as candidate for professorship at Technical University of Aachen, 79 Academy of Sciences of Zaragoza. See Zaragoza Adams, Edwin (1878–1956), 78 receives manu- script of Einstein 1922c, 131 Action-at-a-distance, forces, 263 Adiabatic hypothesis, 284 Adler, Friedrich (1879–1960), 142 Aerial prospecting for water and ore, 22 Aichi, Keiichi (1880–1923), 312 Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 109 Akita, Chugi, on AE’s foreword to Japanese col- lection of papers, 283 Al Qantarah, 321, 325 Alfonso XIII, King of Spain (1886–1941), 374– 375 Allgemeine Elektricitätsgesellschaft, legal dis- pute with Sannig & Co., 42 Ampère’s molecular currents and superconduc- tivity, 94 Amsterdam, AE on, 157 Anschütz & Co., legal dispute with Gesellschaft für nautische Instrumente, 120, 126, 132, 135, 145, 184–185, 202, 208, 224, 224 AE on, 206 Kreiselbau (Franz Drexler), 46–47 Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), 28, 46, 136, 196, 218, 225, 376 on assassination of Rathenau, 202 on castle in Lautrach, 262 on cottage for AE in Hamburg, 231, 237 on experiment on terrestrial magnetism, 183 on gyrocompass, 106–107, 183–184, 202, 208, 261–262, 383 on gyro-theodolite, 202, 208, 225 on interview with AE in Le Figaro, 68 invites AE to Kiel, 106–107, 183, 202, 384, to Munich, 68 invites AE’s sons to Lautrach, 161 to Kiel, 231 AE declines, 237 on new sailboat for AE, 208 offers lodging to Einstein, Hans Albert, 261 on patriotic behavior of AE, 35 Anschütz-Stöve, Reta (1897–1961), ill with ap- pendicitis, 106, 120, 126 Antisemitism AE on, 209, 217, 226, 248–249 Anschütz on, 68 at University of Kiel, Schlick on, 259 Arcos, René (1880–1959), 147 Arkadev, Vladimir K. (1884–1953), 78 Arrhenius, Svante (1859–1927), 287, 318, 357 on likely forthcoming Nobel Prize for AE, 283 offers opportunity to present Nobel Prize to AE, 376–377, 378 on success of AE’s Paris visit, 284 Artificial horizon for plane, AE on, 262 Assicurazione Generali, 118 Aster, Ernst von (1880–1948), 259 Atoms, Rutherford-Bohr theory, 253