566 DOCUMENT 483 NOVEMBER 1913 schadet hat. Bei einem Festessen hat unser Präsident H. A. Lorentz es für nö- tig befunden, dass ich den Toast auf den Gastgeber[9] loslassen müsse. Ich that es, aber in recht kindlicher Weise denn in solchen Dingen bin ich ja von einer seltenen Unerfahrenheit. Alle, die mich als geistesgegenwärtigen Diskussi- onsredner ohne Furcht und Tadel kennen, waren gaudiert über das Faktum, dass mich die Gewalt des Wortes beim Essen und Trinken so vollkommen verlässt. Es küsst Dich Dein Albert. Beste Grüsse an Deine lieben Kinder und Deine Eltern ALS. [72 295]. [1]Dated by the reference to meeting Fokker and to the latter's statement in early December that he had been in Zurich about a month (see Doc. 490). [2]For Einstein's lectures in winter semester 1913/1914, see Doc. 455, note 5. [3]A wooded area in southwestern Berlin. [4]A poetry reading, given the following month (see Doc. 489). LÖWENTHAL had held a rec- itation in February 1913 (see Doc. 434). [5]Adriaan Fokker. [6]The fate of Einstein's Berlin institute is discussed in Docs. 509, 490). 5, and 513, note 6. [7]At the second Solvay Congress. [8]Walther Nernst. The subject of the discussion was Nernst's derivation of his heat theo- rem, a topic on which Nernst and Einstein had 489). LÖWENTHAL an earlier difference of opinion (see Docs. 364, note 6, and 366). [9]Ernest Solvay. 483. From George Hale November 8th, 1913. Professor Dr. A. Einstein, Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Switzerland. Dear 364, Einstein: I have dealyed replying to your kind letter of October 14th[1] until I could consult Director Campbell of the Lick Observatory,[2] who I knew to be inter- ested in the problem you describe. He writes me that he has undertaken to se- cure eclipse 1913. of stars near the sun for Doctor Freundlich[3] of the Berlin Observatory, who will measure them in the hope of detecting differen- tial deflections. Doubtless he will send you further particulars, as I requested him to communicate directly with you.[4]