514 DOCUMENT 429 JANUARY 1913 (see Doc. 451), and a Berlin newspaper uses similar language at the beginning of August (see Doc. 467, note 2). [9]Richard Willstätter (1872-1942) was appointed Extraordinary Professor of Chemistry at the University of Berlin and Member of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Chemistry and Head of its Organic Department in October 1912 (see August von Trott zu Solz to Richard Willstät- ter, 25 May 1912, GyBHU, Universitäts-Kuratorium, Personalia W, Nr. 208, p. 1, and KWG Jahresbericht 1912, p. 12) after resigning his position at the ETH at the end of September 1912 (see SzZE Schulratsarchiv 1912, Protokoll des Präsidenten, 10 February 1912, no. 45). The terms of Willstätter's appointment in Berlin specified an annual salary of 18,000 marks, one quarter of the funding for which was drawn from the Prussian Ministry of Education and three quarters from the Institute (see the minutes of the meeting of the Verwaltungsrat of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, 28 October 1911, CBU, Emil Fischer Papers, box 1). [10]Ernst Beckmann was Professor of Chemistry at the University of Berlin and Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Chemistry. He received 9200 marks a year including supple- mentary fees as professor and another 10,800 marks from his Institute, giving him a total an- nual salary of 20,000 marks (see the minutes of the meeting of the Verwaltungsrat, 28 October 1911, CBU, Emil Fischer Papers, box 1). [11]Krüss had written a memorandum in autumn 1909 calling for a mix of private funding and state subsidies to support research in the natural sciences (see Vierhaus and vom Brocke 1990, pp. 138-140). [12]Max Planck Emil Warburg Heinrich Rubens. [13]The Prussian Minister of Education, August von Trott zu Solz (1855-1938). [14]Gerhard Just (1877-?) was Assistent and Haber's deputy in his institute. 429. To Georg Bredig[1] [Zurich, 30 January 1913][2] Die Arbeiten Ihres Herrn Polanyi[3] gefallen mir sehr. Im wesentlichen habe ich sie nachgeprüft und alles Prinzipielle richtig gefunden. Der Gedan- ke, dass die Entropie sich bei p = wie bei T = 0 verhalte, ist ein sehr glücklicher.[4] Am sichersten stützt man die Sache damit, dass man ein endli- ches Grenzvolumen bei p = annimmt, also unendlich ansteigende Elasti- zitätskoeffizienten. Dann folgt der Satz nach Debijes glücklicher Ableitung des Gesetzes der spezifischen Wärme[5] unmittelbar. Wenn ich eines an den Arbeiten wünschen möchte, so wäre es grössere Kürze. Dadurch werden sie an Ueberzeugungskraft nur zunehmen. TTrL (John Polanyi, Toronto). [19 105]. Only a fragment is available. [1]Bredig (1868-1944) was Professor of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry at the Technical University of Karlsruhe and Director of its Physical Chemistry Institute. [2]Date provided by John Polanyi. [3]Michael Polanyi (1891-1976) was a student of chemistry at the Technical University of Karlsruhe (see Adressbuch Fridericiana 1913, p. 30). [4]The analogy between zero temperature and infinite pressure is developed, in the frame- work of quantum theory, in Polanyi 1913, which was received 15 March 1913. [5]See Debye 1912b.