DOCUMENTS 367, 368 FEBRUARY-MARCH 1912 423 367. To Paul Ehrenfest [Prague, 29 February 1912, 7:30 p.m.] für Ehrenfest, Zug 1102 III Klasse Telegramm Wien reisen nötig Trubau umsteigen[1] Einstein. TGM (NeLR, Ehrenfest Archive, Scientific Correspondence, ESC:3, 260). [72 292]. The tele- gram is addressed to "Stationsvorstand B[öhmisch] Trubau." [1]Böhmisch-Trübau, now Ceskä Trebovä, east of Prague. It was the junction for trains pro- ceeding eastward to Lemberg (now Lviv in Ukraine), where Ehrenfest traveled next, and southward to Vienna. Ehrenfest, an Austrian citizen, needed to renew his passport, which had expired in 1911, in order to reenter Russia at the end of his European tour. After mailing the expired passport to his brother Emil (1865-?) in Vienna, he waited without success in Prague to receive a new one before his departure the morning of 29 February. By the time he boarded the train in Prague he had decided to postpone dealing with the problem until he reached Czernowitz (capital of Aus- trian Bukovina, now Chernovtsy in Ukraine) near the Russian frontier. Einstein probably received a telegram from Emil intended for Ehrenfest after the latter's departure the morning of the 29th and, knowing little of the passport affair, may have assumed that Ehrenfest should proceed to Vienna to pick up his new passport. In any case, Ehrenfest acknowledged receipt of Einstein's telegram in his notebook and then wrote "terrible confu- sion" ("arge Confusion") (see entries of 27 and 29 February 1912, Diary "E," NeLR, Ehrenfest Archive, Notebooks, ENB:4-11, and Paul Ehrenfest to Tatiana Ehrenfest, 29 February 1912, NeLR, Ehrenfest Archive, Personal Correspondence, EPC:3, sec. 6). 368. From Fritz Haber Dahlem (Berlin) Königin Luisestr. 14. den 8. März 1912. Herrn Professor Dr. A. Einstein, Lehrkanzel für theoretische Physik an der deutschen Universität, Prag. Lieber Herr Einstein, Alle Welt hat sich verschworen, mich in den letzten Tagen durch unwissen- schaftliche Geschäfte zu stören und mir den Genuss Ihrer grundlegenden Ar- beit zu verzögern, die Sie mir im Umbruch übersandt haben.[1] Nach meinem Urteil haben Sie einen fundamentalen Gedanken gehabt, indem Sie den Be- griff der Koppelung zwischen Strahlung und chemischem Umsatz einführten. Der Gedanke, dass es Stoffe giebt, welche beim Auftreten für jedes selbstän- dige Massenteilchen die Strahlungsenergie hv emittieren und beim Ver-
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

DOCUMENTS 367, 368 FEBRUARY-MARCH 1912 423 367. To Paul Ehrenfest [Prague, 29 February 1912, 7:30 p.m.] für Ehrenfest, Zug 1102 III Klasse Telegramm Wien reisen nötig Trubau umsteigen[1] Einstein. TGM (NeLR, Ehrenfest Archive, Scientific Correspondence, ESC:3, 260). [72 292]. The tele- gram is addressed to "Stationsvorstand B[öhmisch] Trubau." [1]Böhmisch-Trübau, now Ceskä Trebovä, east of Prague. It was the junction for trains pro- ceeding eastward to Lemberg (now Lviv in Ukraine), where Ehrenfest traveled next, and southward to Vienna. Ehrenfest, an Austrian citizen, needed to renew his passport, which had expired in 1911, in order to reenter Russia at the end of his European tour. After mailing the expired passport to his brother Emil (1865-?) in Vienna, he waited without success in Prague to receive a new one before his departure the morning of 29 February. By the time he boarded the train in Prague he had decided to postpone dealing with the problem until he reached Czernowitz (capital of Aus- trian Bukovina, now Chernovtsy in Ukraine) near the Russian frontier. Einstein probably received a telegram from Emil intended for Ehrenfest after the latter's departure the morning of the 29th and, knowing little of the passport affair, may have assumed that Ehrenfest should proceed to Vienna to pick up his new passport. In any case, Ehrenfest acknowledged receipt of Einstein's telegram in his notebook and then wrote "terrible confu- sion" ("arge Confusion") (see entries of 27 and 29 February 1912, Diary "E," NeLR, Ehrenfest Archive, Notebooks, ENB:4-11, and Paul Ehrenfest to Tatiana Ehrenfest, 29 February 1912, NeLR, Ehrenfest Archive, Personal Correspondence, EPC:3, sec. 6). 368. From Fritz Haber Dahlem (Berlin) Königin Luisestr. 14. den 8. März 1912. Herrn Professor Dr. A. Einstein, Lehrkanzel für theoretische Physik an der deutschen Universität, Prag. Lieber Herr Einstein, Alle Welt hat sich verschworen, mich in den letzten Tagen durch unwissen- schaftliche Geschäfte zu stören und mir den Genuss Ihrer grundlegenden Ar- beit zu verzögern, die Sie mir im Umbruch übersandt haben.[1] Nach meinem Urteil haben Sie einen fundamentalen Gedanken gehabt, indem Sie den Be- griff der Koppelung zwischen Strahlung und chemischem Umsatz einführten. Der Gedanke, dass es Stoffe giebt, welche beim Auftreten für jedes selbstän- dige Massenteilchen die Strahlungsenergie hv emittieren und beim Ver-

