1 1 2 D O C U M E N T 7 4 M A R C H 1 9 2 1
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In ausgezeichneter Hochachtung ganz ergebenst Zionistische Vereinigung für
Dr. Erich Marx
TLS. [36 835]. Typed on letterhead “Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland.”
[1]Marx (1888–1966) was involved in publicity work at the Zionist Federation of Germany.
[2]In the past week, Einstein had already been invited to participate in these discussions by Chaim
Weizmann on behalf of the Central Office of the Zionist Organisation in London (see Docs. 63 and
70) and by Nathan Ratnoff on behalf of the American Jewish Physicians Committee in New York (see
Doc. 67).
The federation of the Zionist movement in the United States was the Zionist Organization of
America (ZOA), whose headquarters were in New York.
[3]Almost immediately after receiving Einstein’s consent to travel with him, Weizmann notified
Julian Mack, whom he asked to “please prepare ground. Recommend appointment special University
commission” (Chaim Weizmann to Julian Mack, 28 February 1921, [IsJCZA, KH1/193], published
in Wasserstein 1977a, p. 158). In response, the ZOA set up a “Weizmann Committee” to plan for the
visit. The committee was informed by Mack that “Dr. Einstein’s coming is specifically in the interest
of the Hebrew University” (Minutes of the First Meeting of the Weizmann Committee, 23 March
1921, [IsRWW]).
Among the Brandeis faction, enthusiasm for Einstein’s visit was apparently restrained. In a letter
to his mother-in-law, Brandeis wrote: “You have doubtless heard that the Great Einstein is coming to
America soon with Dr. Weizmann, our Zionist chief. Palestine may need something more than a new
conception of the Universe or of several additional dimensions; but it is well to remind the world,
when the wave of anti-Semitism is rising, that in the world of thought the conspicuous contributions
are being made by Jews” (Louis D. Brandeis to Regina W. Goldmark, 1 March 1921, Brandeis 1975,
pp. 536–537).
[4]The Zionist Organisation hoped that, as a result of this visit, they would establish a “strong com-
mittee” in the United States that would in turn lead to “the formation of a special administrative body
for the University Fund on which both the principal committees and the Keren Hayesod will be duly
represented” (see Solomon Ginzberg to Frederick S. Spiers, 4 March 1921, [IsJCZA, L12/113]). For
more on this planned committee, which Ginzberg termed the “University Aid Committee,” see
Doc. 115, note 5).
[5]A reference to the brothers Paul and Felix Warburg. While Paul Warburg was not a supporter of
Zionism, and “mostly avoided Jewish organizations,” his brother Felix was enthusiastic about projects
in Palestine, especially the planned Hebrew University (see Chernow 1993, pp. 249 and 252).
[6]Elsa Einstein.
[7]For the planned composition of the Zionist delegation, see Doc. 87, note 2.
[8]See note 2.
74. From Malwin Warschauer[1]
Berlin N. 24, Oranienburger Straße 66. d. 2. März 1921.
Sehr geehrter Herr Professor!
Mir ist von der jüdischen Gemeinde der Auftrag geworden, mich wegen Ihres
Anschlußes an sie mit Ihnen in Verbindung zu setzen. Nach der kategorischen
Ablehnung, die Sie der Gemeinde selbst haben zu teil werden
würde ich