1 7 8 D O C U M E N T S 1 3 7 , 1 3 8 M A Y 1 9 2 1
137. From Julian W. Mack
New York, 55 Fifth Avenue, May 24th, 1921
Dear Professor Einstein:
I beg to enclose you herewith copies of cable correspondence between Dr. Weiz-
mann and us in relation to
Where the cables appear to be incomplete, the
other parts of the cables had no reference to your matters. Nevertheless, if you de-
sire the full and complete cable in each instance, I shall be glad to send it to you.
I deeply regret that Mr. Bernard Flexner’s and my efforts, to explain our thought
and purpose in this whole matter, namely, to protect you against unjust attacks and
to protect the organization against the results of such unjust attacks, have not ap-
peared to you to be
Sincerely yours,
Julian W Mack
TLS. [36 197]. Written on letterhead “Zionist Organization of America” and addressed “Professor Al-
bert Einstein, Room 743, Hotel Commodore, New York City.”
[1]The enclosure included thirteen telegrams exchanged between Chaim Weizmann, in London and
on board the TSS Rotterdam, and Julian W. Mack, Felix Frankfurter, and Bernard Flexner in New
York, dated from 26 February to 30 March 1921.
The earlier telegrams, from New York, urged that Einstein accept speaking engagements at Amer-
ican universities (e.g., Julian W. Mack and Felix Frankfurter to Chaim Weizmann, 2 March 1921; see
also Doc. 91, note 1).
The later telegrams, however, worried that Einstein might appear to “commercialize” his science
on the trip, and thus hurt his image and, by extension, the Zionist cause. They urged that Einstein stop
negotiations related to such science-related engagements, some even suggesting that he cancel the trip
(e.g., Julian W. Mack, Bernard Flexner, and Felix Frankfurter to Chaim Weizmann, 17 and 19 March
1921 [36 198]).
[2]Bernard Flexner (1865–1945), New York attorney and member of the executive committee of
the Zionist Organization of America. Two days earlier, Brandeis had written to Frankfurter about
these efforts: “I am returning at Mack’s request Einstein’s letter to you & copy of your reply. It must
have been a painful interview for Mack & Ben F. I am glad that W. admitted on the 19th his statement
to me about the use of U. of University [sic] Funds, whatever W’s view of the proprieties” (Louis D.
Brandeis to Felix Frankfurter, 22 May 1921, quoted in Urofsky and Levy 1991, p. 78).
138. From Michael I. Pupin[1]
New York, Mai 2 8 7. 1921.
Sehr geehrter Herr Professor!
Leider muss ich morgen abreisen und werde nicht das grosse Vergnügen haben
Sie persönlich zu begrüssen bei Ihrer Abreise am nächsten
Ich erlaube mir bei dieser Gelegenheit noch einmal zu wiederholen dass Presi-
und ich den Wunsch hegen Sie bald wiederzusehen wenn Ihnen die
Verhältnisse erlauben sollten sich zu entschliessen im nächsten Früjahrssemester
eine Serie von sechs zweistündigen Vorlesungen auf Columbia Universitaet zu ge-