Page numbers in italics indicate editorial apparatus; page numbers followed by a
lowercase “n” indicate endnotes to Einstein documents; page numbers followed by
a lowercase “a” indicate references to an appendix; and page numbers followed by
a lowercase “c” indicate references to the Calendar. References are collected under
the appropriate English heading. Certain institutions, organizations, and concepts
that have no standard English translation are listed under their German designation
(with cross-references from an English translation). “Albert Einstein” is abbrevia-
ted to “AE” in subentries. Other abbreviations used in the index are: “BNV” for
“Bund Neues Vaterland,” “DPG” for “Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,”
“ETH” for “Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule,” “GDNÄ” for “Gesellschaft
deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte,” “KWIP” for “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für
Physik,” “KWG” for “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft,” “PAW” for “Preußische Aka-
demie der Wissenschaften,” “ZOA” for “Zionist Organization of America,” and
“US” for the “United States of America.” A separate index of citations follows the
main index.
Aardenne, Gijsbert van (1888–1983), 56, 72, 92,
191, 195, 346n
against AE’s US tour, 54
vacations in Copenhagen, 396
visits Berlin, 194, meets Joffe and Rozh-
destvensky, 195
wishes to visit US, 55
Aargau Kantonsschule, 14n
Abraham, Max (1875–1922), 116
Académie des Sciences (Paris), xxxix, 354; ex-
pels German members, 123n
Achad Ha’am (1913–1916), 457c
Adler, Friedrich (1879–1960), 64
Aesop’s fables, 130n
Ahern, Michael, invites AE to lecture, 448c
Aichi, Keiichi (1880–1923), on AE’s planned
trip to Japan, 308
Akademische Kurse für allgemeine Fortbildung
und Wirtschafts-Wissenschaften, AE’s lec-
ture in, 475c, 480c
Albert Einstein Donation Fund. See Albert-Ein-
Albert-Einstein-Spende, liii, 279n, 294n, 458c,
AE resigns from board of, 394n, 394, 487c
Gustav Müller on board of, 385, 479c
Alexandrow, Waldemar, 467c
Allgemeine Studenten-Vertretung of the Techni-
cal University of Dresden, AE’s lecture at,
Allied occupation in West Germany, 156n
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 446c;
AE’s lectures to, 453c
American Fruit Growers of Palestine, Boston,
American Jewish Physicians Committee, xxxiii,
112n, 183n, 195n, 225
fundraising banquet of, 454c
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