2 3 0 D O C U M E N T 1 8 9 J U L Y 1 9 2 1
ALS. [15 186]. Written on letterhead “The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. 66th Street and
Avenue A. New York” with return address “Marine Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.”
[1]Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883–1970) was Professor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology;
Leonor Michaelis (1875–1949) was Professor of Physical Biochemistry and Medicine at the Univer-
sity of Berlin; Otto Meyerhof (1884–1951) was Assistent at the Physiological Institute in Kiel; and
Rudolf Höber (1873–1953) was Professor of Physiology at the University of Kiel.
[2]In the first half of June (see 8 June to 17 June 1921 in Calendar).
[3]A reference to publications in the American press regarding Einstein’s interview in the Nieuwe
Rotterdamsche Courant (see Docs. 173 and 177).
[4]Loeb showed that “where the viscosity of protein solutions is affected by electrolytes in a similar
way as is their osmotic pressure, we are dealing with the influence of the electrolytes on the swelling
of solid aggregates of protein, and this swelling is due to the osmotic pressure inside the aggregates.
It follows from Einstein’s theory of viscosity (Einstein 1905j and 1906c [Vol. 2, Docs. 15 and 33])
that such a swelling of aggregates must increase the viscosity. It therefore turns out that two laws of
classical chemistry suffice to explain the collodial behavior of proteins … , and these two laws are the
stoichiometrical law and Donnan’s theory of membrane equilibria” (Loeb 1924, p. 32).
[5]Louis D. Brandeis; Felix Frankfurter.
[6]Svante Arrhenius (1859–1927) was director of the Nobel Institute for Physical Chemistry in
Stockholm, and an influential member of the Nobel Committee. He had lectured briefly in Berkeley
in 1904 at the invitation of Loeb, for whom he developed great admiration (see Crawford 1996,
pp. 213–216). The two remained in close contact. On his visit in Berlin and Leipzig, and his assess-
ment that more needs to be done for the strengthening of science and technology in postwar Germany,
see Berliner Tageblatt, 17 June 1921, Evening Edition.
[7]Hale, recognizing in 1916 that the United States cannot avoid entering the war, embarked upon
founding a countrywide research organization that would assist military efforts. As a result, the
National Research Council was created in 1917 by President Woodrow Wilson. The Council, an offi-
cial agency of the National Academy of Sciences and funded by private benefactors, had strong ties
with the State Department and governmental bureaus. It included members from government, acade-
mies, and learned societies (Yerkes 1920, esp. chap. 24).
[8]Anne L. Leonard (1862–1951).
189. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Wustrow. 22. VII. 21.
Lieber Herr Anschütz!
Ich sitze hier mit meinen zwei Buben in der
Darf ich mich
samt Buben etwa für den 12. August bei Ihnen anmelden? Ich möchte dann den
Stand unserer Frage an Ort und Stelle studieren. Vielleicht schreiben Sie mir noch
vorher ein bischen darüber, da ich hier schön Zeit habe zum Überlegen. Wenn Ih-
nen die Buben zu viel Einquartierung sind, bringe ich sie sonst wo unter.
Mit den besten Grüssen an Sie und Ihre
A. Einstein.
AKS (GyKiRA). Lohmeier and Schell 2005, p. 129. [80 279]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn Dr.
Anschütz Kaempfe Bismark-Allee Kiel,” and postmarked “Wustrow (Mecklb.) 22.7.21. 5–6 N[ach-