3 3 4 D O C U M E N T S 2 8 4 , 2 8 5 O C T O B E R - N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 1
would not return until the end of November (see 15 October 1921 in Calendar), Grommer must have
met with Einstein on or before that date. Only a day earlier, on 14 October, Einstein had sent a post-
card to Kaluza, urging him to resubmit for publication his earlier manuscript on the five-dimensional
theory (Doc. 270).
[4]Since in Kaluza’s theory represents the electric potential, the result implies that no spatially
variable electric potential, and hence no electric field, may exist (see Einstein and Grommer 1923,
p. 5.)
[5]The following calculations, dealing with properties of the Weyl tensor in four dimensions and
not directly related to the foregoing argument, are found on four separate sheets included with this
[6]Weyl 1918b, p. 193. The relevant section (§29) of Weyl’s book discusses Einstein’s equations for
static, spherically symmetric fields.
284. To Michele Besso
[Bologna,] 26. X. 1921
Lieber Michele!
Es wäre sehr schön, wenn wir uns sehen könnten. Samstag (29.) komme ich nach
Zürich und am 2. muss ich wieder fort, um am 4. in Leiden zu
Mach einen
Vorschlag an
Adresse, wie wir uns treffen sollen. Meine Buben wollen
mich nicht gern fort lassen; könntest Du vielleicht bis Zürich kommen?
Herzlichen Gruss Dein
AKSX. Einstein and Besso 1972, p. 171. [7 336]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn Michele Besso
Zieglerstr. 42 Bern (Svizzera),” and postmarked “Bologna Ferrovia 11–12 26 X 1921.” The verso of
the card is a panorama of Bologna.
[1]To stay with the Ehrenfests and fulfill his annual obligation to lecture in Leiden (see Doc. 219).
[2]Mileva Einstein-Maric;’s nickname.
285. From Kôshin Murobuse
471, Omori-Iriyamazu, Tokio-Fu, Japan [November
Dear sir:
I wish to repeat my hearty thanks for your kindness while I was in
I have arrived here just now from my world tour after the fourty days of very pleas-
ant voyages from Marseille.
Our comrades in Kaizosha which has the great honour to invite the greatest fig-
ure in the world are very much proud and happy hearing my report.
We are now sending our formal proposal which is the proof of contract about our
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

3 3 4 D O C U M E N T S 2 8 4 , 2 8 5 O C T O B E R - N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 1
would not return until the end of November (see 15 October 1921 in Calendar), Grommer must have
met with Einstein on or before that date. Only a day earlier, on 14 October, Einstein had sent a post-
card to Kaluza, urging him to resubmit for publication his earlier manuscript on the five-dimensional
theory (Doc. 270).
[4]Since in Kaluza’s theory represents the electric potential, the result implies that no spatially
variable electric potential, and hence no electric field, may exist (see Einstein and Grommer 1923,
p. 5.)
[5]The following calculations, dealing with properties of the Weyl tensor in four dimensions and
not directly related to the foregoing argument, are found on four separate sheets included with this
[6]Weyl 1918b, p. 193. The relevant section (§29) of Weyl’s book discusses Einstein’s equations for
static, spherically symmetric fields.
284. To Michele Besso
[Bologna,] 26. X. 1921
Lieber Michele!
Es wäre sehr schön, wenn wir uns sehen könnten. Samstag (29.) komme ich nach
Zürich und am 2. muss ich wieder fort, um am 4. in Leiden zu
Mach einen
Vorschlag an
Adresse, wie wir uns treffen sollen. Meine Buben wollen
mich nicht gern fort lassen; könntest Du vielleicht bis Zürich kommen?
Herzlichen Gruss Dein
AKSX. Einstein and Besso 1972, p. 171. [7 336]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn Michele Besso
Zieglerstr. 42 Bern (Svizzera),” and postmarked “Bologna Ferrovia 11–12 26 X 1921.” The verso of
the card is a panorama of Bologna.
[1]To stay with the Ehrenfests and fulfill his annual obligation to lecture in Leiden (see Doc. 219).
[2]Mileva Einstein-Maric;’s nickname.
285. From Kôshin Murobuse
471, Omori-Iriyamazu, Tokio-Fu, Japan [November
Dear sir:
I wish to repeat my hearty thanks for your kindness while I was in
I have arrived here just now from my world tour after the fourty days of very pleas-
ant voyages from Marseille.
Our comrades in Kaizosha which has the great honour to invite the greatest fig-
ure in the world are very much proud and happy hearing my report.
We are now sending our formal proposal which is the proof of contract about our

