D O C U M E N T 6 3 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 1 1 0 1
TLS. [15 111]. Written on letterhead “University of California Berkeley, California Department of
Chemistry,” and addressed “Professor Albert Einstein, Physikalisches Institut der Universität, Berlin,
[1]Lewis (1875–1946) was Professor of Physical Chemistry and Dean of the College of Chemistry
at the University of California at Berkeley.
Lewis visited Germany between 1900 and 1905, studying at the Universities of Leipzig and Göt-
tingen. Georg Bredig (1868–1944), Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Technical University of
Karlsruhe, was in Leipzig at the time, while Einstein was working on his doctoral dissertation in Zu-
rich and, from 1902 on, in Bern.
[2]See, e.g., “Einstein Is Coming Here. He Will Ask Support for Hebrew University in Palestine,”
New York Times, 22 February 1921.
63. From Chaim Weizmann[1]
[London,] 23.2.21.
Durch Ihre
ueberaus beglueckt ich und unsere Freunde wissen Ihre
Bereitschaft in fuer juedisches Volk entscheidender Stunde aus ganzem Herzen zu
wuerdigen stop Reise muss um ungefaehr eine Woche verschoben
Schiffsplaetze selbst unter Beruecksichtigung Ihrer Wuensche besorgen und Ein-
zelheiten drahten bitte Ihrer Frau mitzuteilen dass ueber Mitreise erfreut und auch
meine Frau mitzuteilen dass ueber Mitreise erfreut und auch
TgmDftC (IsJCZA, KH1/163). Wasserstein 1977a, p. 152. [70 956]. The telegram is addressed:
“Orghip [Öffentlich-rechtlich gesicherte Heimstätte in Palästina] Berlin fuer Einstein,” with return
address “Keren Hayesod 75 Gt. Russell St. W. C. 1.”
[1]Weizmann (1874–1952) was president of the Zionist Organisation in London.
[2]A week earlier, Weizmann had asked Kurt Blumenfeld to approach Einstein and ask him to
accompany Weizmann on his upcoming trip to the United States to raise funds for the Hebrew Uni-
versity (see Doc. 53, note 3, and Jüdische Rundschau, 25 February 1921). A few days later, Blumen-
feld informed Weizmann that Einstein had agreed to participate. He also indicated that Einstein had
requested that, for health reasons, he wished Elsa Einstein to accompany him, and that Einstein pre-
ferred not to travel via London (see Kurt Blumenfeld to Chaim Weizmann, 20 February 1921
[3]The beginning of the trip was planned for mid-March (see Doc. 53).
[4]The passage “Frau mitzuteilen dass ueber Mitreise erfreut und auch meine” seems to be an erro-
neous repetition in the original transcript of the telegram.
[5]Elsa Einstein and Vera Weizmann (1881–1966). The same day, Weizmann wrote to his wife of
his joy that Einstein had agreed to the trip, and that his consent was contingent upon Elsa accompa-
nying him (Chaim Weizmann to Vera Weizmann, 23 February 1921 [Wasserstein 1977a, Vol. 10,
p. 152]).