The bibliographic short title assigned to an Einstein paper in the volume of its appearance
will be retained in this and all subsequent volumes; short titles for those not yet published
in this edition may not be retained.
Achad HaÊam 19131916 Achad Ha’am. Am
Scheidewege. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag,
Adams and Kohlschütter 1912 Adams, Walter
S., and Kohlschütter, Arnold. “Observations
of the Spectrum of Nova Geminorum No. 2.”
Astrophysical Journal 36 (1912): 293–321.
Adelson 1978 Adelson, Howard L. “Ideology
and Practice in American Zionism.” In Essays
in American Zionism. Melvin I. Urofsky, ed.
New York: Herzl Press, 1978, pp.1–17.
Aichi 1907 Aichi, Keiichi. “Note on Vibrations
of a Liquid Contained in a Cylindrical Ves-
sel.” Mathematico-Physical Society of Japan.
Proceedings 4 (1907): 220–223.
Aichi 1908 ———. “Scattering of Electro-
magnetic Waves by a Small Elliptic Cylin-
der.” Mathematico-Physical Society of Ja-
pan. Proceedings 4 (1908): 266–278.
Aichi 1919a ———. “On the New Method of
Reduction of Observations of Underground
Temperature.” Mathematico-Physical Soci-
ety of Japan. Proceedings 1 (1919): 2–7.
Aichi 1919b ———. “On the Forced Vibration
of a Circular Plate.” Physico-Mathematical
Society of Japan. Proceedings 1 (1919): 365–
Aichi 1919c ———. “Heat Distribution on a
Radiating Plane, and Especially When the
Boundary Is Circular.” Physico-Mathemati-
cal Society of Japan. Proceedings 2 (1919):
Alexander 1920 Alexander, Samuel. Space,
Time and Deity. The Gifford Lectures at
Glasgow 19161918. New York: Macmillan,
Anizan 2006 Anizan, Anne-Laure. “Paul Pain-
levé (1863–1933), un scientifique en politi-
que.” Doctorat, Ecole doctorale des Sciences
Politique, Paris, 2006.
Außenhandels-Kontrolle 1922 Bokies, Julius
et al. Die Außenhandels-Kontrolle. Kommen-
tar zu den Ein- und Ausfuhrbestimmungen
nebst statistischem Warensverzeichnis. Band
I. Die Ein- und Ausfuhrverordnungen nebst
Kommentar. Berlin: Industrieverlag Spaeth &
Linde, 1922.
Bach 1921 Bach, R. “Zur Weylschen Relativi-
tätstheorie und der Weylschen Erweiterung
des Krümmungstensorbegriffs.” Mathemati-
sche Zeitschrift 9 (1921): 110–135.
Back 1921 Back, Ernst E. “Ein weiteres Zah-
lenmysterium in der Theorie des Zeemanef-
fektes.” Die Naturwissenschaften 9 (1921):
Badash 1969 Badash, Lawrence. Rutherford
and Boltwood: Letters on Radioactivity. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1969.
Baer 1998 Baer, Josette. Politik als praktizierte
Sittlichkeit. Sinzheim: Pro Universitate Ver-
lag, 1998.
Barnard 1974 Barnard, Harry. The Forging of
an American Jew: The Life and Times of
Judge Julian W. Mack. New York: Herzl
Press, 1974.
Baumgardt 1921 Baumgardt, Ludwig. “Ruhm.
Soldner und Einstein.” Frankfurter Zeitung, 6
November 1921, Morning Edition.
Beck 1919 Beck, Emil. “Zum experimentellen
Nachweis der Ampèreschen Molekular-
ströme.” Annalen der Physik 60 (1919): 109–
Berlin 1970 Berlin, George L. “The Brandeis-
Weizmann Dispute.” American Jewish His-
torical Quarterly 60 (1970): 37–68.
Berlin Verzeichnis 1920 Friedrich-Wilhelms-
Universität zu Berlin. Verzeichnis der Vorle-
sungen, Winter-Semester 192021. Berlin:
Norddeutsche Buchdruckerei und Verlagsan-
stalt, 1920.