1 0 0 D O C U M E N T 6 2 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 1
J’ai appris que vous aviez passé par Paris & que vous y
Que je
serais heureux de vous voir! Voulez vous me faire l’honneur de m’aviser de votre
visite prochaine.
Je suis encore pour quelque temps à la campagne mais un mot de vous me suf-
Veuillez trouver ici l’expression renouvelée de mon admiration
Lucien Fabre
ALS. [11 005].
[1]Fabre (1889–1952) was an engineer, poet, and novelist.
[2]Fabre 1921.
[3]Fabre had requested a few pages on Einstein’s ideas for the preface (see Lucien Fabre to Ein-
stein, 17 July 1920 [Vol. 10, Calendar]).
[4]For Paul Oppenheim’s role as mediator between Einstein and Fabre, see Paul Oppenheim to Ein-
stein, 24 April 1920 (Vol. 9, Doc. 394). For details on how the foreword was fabricated, see Doc. 65.
[5]Edouard Guillaume; Henri Varcollier.
[6]He read an announcement of Einstein’s imminent visit to Paris in the journal LÊInformation (see
Lucien Fabre to Paul Oppenheim, 11 February 1921, [11 004]; he is most likely referring to LÊEcho
du dimanche. Journal dÊInformation). A similar rumor was also printed in the German press. In fact,
Einstein had not been to Paris (see 28 and 29 January 1921 in Calendar).
62. From Gilbert N. Lewis[1]
[Berkeley, California,] February 23, 1921.
My dear Professor Einstein:
Many things have happened since the very pleasant Kneipe that I had with you
and Bredig in Zurich. Not the least of these is the wide-spread acceptance and ap-
preciation of your theories, which has delighted me and for which I offer you my
sincere congratulations.
I learn by this morning’s paper that you are going to be in this country in the near
I hope that on this occasion you will find it possible to visit California. It
is a wonderful country, and I am sure that if your time permits you would find the
trip across the continent of much interest.
If you could arrange to come it would be a great pleasure to me to offer you such
hospitality as our home affords, and I could arrange with the University to pay your
travelling expenses from the Atlantic coast, without any obligations on your part,
such as formal lectures. It need be nothing more than a pleasure trip.
With cordial regards, I am, Yours very sincerely,
Gilbert N. Lewis