D O C U M E N T 1 2 1 A P R I L 1 9 2 1 1 6 3
glad also to meet my fellow scientists of Chicago, and will feel very grateful if
something is arranged in that direction in accordance with your kind
provided, of course, that these arrangements do not interfere with those made with
regard to my lectures at the University, or with the program of my activities in Chi-
cago in the interests of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, which is, as you know,
the main reason of my coming to this country at this time.
With regard to the language, I am afraid that I could not speak any English, either
American or not. I will have to speak in German just as I do in my lectures in New
York and in
Thanking you sincerely, for your kind attention, I am Yours very truly,
Albert Einstein.
TLSX. [65 662]. Addressee’s name is typed above salutation: “Dr. Carl Beck 601 Deming Pl. Chica-
go, Ill.,” with return address “Hotel Commodore New York City.”
[1]Probably in response to Doc. 115.
[2]Einstein was to give a series of three lectures at the University of Chicago (see 2–5 May 1921
in Calendar).
[3]Most likely the local committee mentioned in Doc. 115.
[4]Einstein had expressed this wish in Doc. 115.
[5]For details of his lectures in New York at Columbia University and the City College of New
York, and at Princeton University, see 15, 18–21 April, and 9–13 May 1921 in Calendar.
121. Resolution Granting the Freedom of the City of
New York
[New York, 16 April 1921]
That we, the members of the Board of Aldermen, cognizant of the arrival of Pro-
fessor Chaim
President of the World Zionist Organization, accompa-
nied by Professor Albert Einstein, one of the most distinguished scientists of our
age, and appreciating the noble service that they have rendered the Jewish people
in their valiant struggle to realize their age-long aspiration of re-establishing a na-
tional home in Palestine, hereby sincerely and cordially tender unto these honored
guests the freedom of the City of New York, and urge our fellow citizens to join us
in these, our heartfelt felicitations.
Adopted by the board of Aldermen April 8, 1921.
A majority of all the members elected voting in favor
Approved by the
April 16, 1921.
M J Cruise