2 8 4 D O C U M E N T 2 3 9 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 1
[6]Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880–1940), Zionist leader, writer, and founder of the Jewish Legion, a
military formation of Jewish volunteers in World War I that fought in the British army to liberate Pal-
estine from Ottoman rule; Martin Buber (1878–1965), Jewish philosopher and theologian. Following
the war and the attacks on Jews by Arab rioters in 1920–1921, Jabotinsky wanted to reinstate recruit-
ment of volunteers to the Jewish Legion. However, there were differing opinions between Jabotinsky
and leaders of labor Zionism, such as David Ben-Gurion, on the issue of the reinstatement of the
Legion, and strong opposition to the idea from pacifist Zionists such as Buber. On the debate about
the Legion at a closed session of the political committee at the Twelfth Zionist Congress in Karlsbad,
see Katz 1996, pp. 744–745. On the differing opinions of Buber and Jabotinsky in regard to reaching
an accommodation with the Arab population in Palestine, see Luz 1987, pp. 64–74.
[7]Hebrew for “Land of Israel.”
[8]On the background to Holitscher’s trip to Palestine and the involvement of the S. Fischer Verlag,
see Holitscher 1928, pp. 230–231, and Seifert 1984, pp. 58–60.
239. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
[Berlin,] 18. IX. [1921]
Lieber Herr Anschütz!
Weiteres Nachdenken lässt mich von den Doppelwicklungen überhaupt wieder
abkommen. Wenn drei Schleifringe zulässig
und Sie der Verwendung von
Kondensatoren ausserhalb der Flüssigkeit nicht abgeneigt sind, wäre vielleicht fol-
gende Schaltung nützlich
Ich glaube doch, dass man auf Kondensatoren nicht verzichten soll, weil dies Steil-
heit der Kurve und damit Energieersparnis mit sich bringt.[2]
Es grüsst Sie herzlich Ihr
A. Einstein.
AKS (GyKiRA). Lohmeier and Schell 2005, pp. 140–141. [80 278]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn
Dr. Anschütz-Kämpfe Bismarkallee Kiel,” and postmarked “Berlin W 30 18.9.21. 2–3N[achmit-
[1]Apparently Anschütz had not yet come up with the idea of feeding the gyroscopes within the
compass sphere through the water it floats on.
[2]For the problem of how to ensure a steep increase of the magnetic field of the “blow coil” in the
vertical direction, see Doc. 237.
S = Schleifringe
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 8 4 D O C U M E N T 2 3 9 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 1
[6]Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880–1940), Zionist leader, writer, and founder of the Jewish Legion, a
military formation of Jewish volunteers in World War I that fought in the British army to liberate Pal-
estine from Ottoman rule; Martin Buber (1878–1965), Jewish philosopher and theologian. Following
the war and the attacks on Jews by Arab rioters in 1920–1921, Jabotinsky wanted to reinstate recruit-
ment of volunteers to the Jewish Legion. However, there were differing opinions between Jabotinsky
and leaders of labor Zionism, such as David Ben-Gurion, on the issue of the reinstatement of the
Legion, and strong opposition to the idea from pacifist Zionists such as Buber. On the debate about
the Legion at a closed session of the political committee at the Twelfth Zionist Congress in Karlsbad,
see Katz 1996, pp. 744–745. On the differing opinions of Buber and Jabotinsky in regard to reaching
an accommodation with the Arab population in Palestine, see Luz 1987, pp. 64–74.
[7]Hebrew for “Land of Israel.”
[8]On the background to Holitscher’s trip to Palestine and the involvement of the S. Fischer Verlag,
see Holitscher 1928, pp. 230–231, and Seifert 1984, pp. 58–60.
239. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
[Berlin,] 18. IX. [1921]
Lieber Herr Anschütz!
Weiteres Nachdenken lässt mich von den Doppelwicklungen überhaupt wieder
abkommen. Wenn drei Schleifringe zulässig
und Sie der Verwendung von
Kondensatoren ausserhalb der Flüssigkeit nicht abgeneigt sind, wäre vielleicht fol-
gende Schaltung nützlich
Ich glaube doch, dass man auf Kondensatoren nicht verzichten soll, weil dies Steil-
heit der Kurve und damit Energieersparnis mit sich bringt.[2]
Es grüsst Sie herzlich Ihr
A. Einstein.
AKS (GyKiRA). Lohmeier and Schell 2005, pp. 140–141. [80 278]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn
Dr. Anschütz-Kämpfe Bismarkallee Kiel,” and postmarked “Berlin W 30 18.9.21. 2–3N[achmit-
[1]Apparently Anschütz had not yet come up with the idea of feeding the gyroscopes within the
compass sphere through the water it floats on.
[2]For the problem of how to ensure a steep increase of the magnetic field of the “blow coil” in the
vertical direction, see Doc. 237.
S = Schleifringe

