D O C U M E N T 1 6 7 J U L Y 1 9 2 1 2 0 9
have been too cruel were it left otherwise between us—it would have been too
much of a tragedy of complete misinformation. I am naturally happy that it is oth-
erwise. I hope this is really only the beginning of a friendship which began with
instantaneous respect and eagerness on my side.
This is not the time to speak of American Zionist leaders & their relation with
It’s a sad topic for me, for no one values Dr. Weizmann’s past ser-
vices more than I do, no one—I think I can say so—did more to make Dr. Weiz-
mann’s work known in America. I must add, however, that you do not know the
facts upon which alone a judgment can be based. I wish the facts did not exist. But
they do. And perhaps there will be occasion, one of these days, for you to know
them. Disillusionment is hard, I know. I have experience. But more important than
any personality is the need for a rebuilt Palestine. For that aim we all unite & I hope
all our Endeavors will be directed towards that aim. It will be a glory, one of these
years, to see the University shining from Jerusalem. The glory of that light will dim
the flickers of the unpleasant past.
You will again come to the United States, or we to Germany & then we shall talk.
Please give my respects to Frau Einstein.
With high regards Very sincerely,
Felix Frankfurter
ALS. [36 214]. Written on letterhead “Law School of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.”
[1]In Docs. 139 and 140 Einstein apologized for alleging that Frankfurter had a role in canceling
Einstein’s planned lecture at Harvard.
[2]In Docs. 139 and 140 Einstein had offered his views on the dispute between Chaim Weizmann
and members of the Brandeis group within the Zionist Organization of America.
167. From Maja Winteler-Einstein[1]
Fiesole, Casa Giov. Manuelli, via G. verdi, 3-VII-21.
Meine Lieben!
Schon lange hätte ich Euch gern geschrieben u. gedankt für Eure Grüsse von den
Niagarafällen, wenn ich nur gewußt hätte,
Nun, denke ich, seid Ihr alle
wieder zuhause u. so will ich endlich meine Epistel vom Stapel lassen.
hat mir einige Zeitungen aus New York geschickt, so daß ich
wohl darüber unterrichtet bin, wie großartig du in New York empfangen worden
bist, daß Du Deine Violine bei Dir hattest, daß Elsa Dein Dolmetscher war u. daß
Du von Interviewern viel geplagt wurdest, aber was mich am meisten interessiert,
ob Deine Mission für die Jerusalemer Universität von Erfolg gekrönt war, das habe