The following presents the editorial method of the series and incorporates modifi-
cations and supplements that have been introduced in previous volumes.
After Volume 1, The Early Years, the edition was divided into two series, Writings
and Correspondence.
The five Writings volumes covering the years 1900–1921 (Vols. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7)
present all of Albert Einstein’s articles, books, and unpublished scientific manu-
scripts, including his notes as a student of physics, lecture notes for university
courses that he taught, and research notes. Auditors’ lecture notes, verbatim or in
abstract, that supplement Einstein’s course notes, as well as reliable records of his
lectures, speeches, comments, or interviews, were included as full text or in
All available letters written by Einstein before January 1922 are presented in full
or as abstracts in the Calendar in the six Correspondence volumes for the years
1902–1921 (Vols. 5, 8, 9, 10, 12). Letters addressed to more than one recipient are
printed only once. Letters to Einstein are handled more selectively. All significant
letters to him for which we were able to obtain permission to publish are printed in
whole. Where such permission could not be obtained, we have provided a summary
in the Calendar. Other, less significant letters to Einstein are abstracted in the Cal-
endar as well. Authors and dates of known but unavailable letters are cited; if
important excerpts from the original are available, these are printed.
Einstein became director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics (KWIP) in
October 1917. As in previous volumes, his correspondence as director of the KWIP
in the present volume is substantial. Routine financial and administrative
exchanges with Einstein, as well as grant applications or solicitations to him, are
omitted but calendared. Unless they have particular significance in understanding