3 0 2 D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 2 existence for the individual. Half-naked, they show their fine and yet powerful bod- ies and their fine, patient faces. Nowhere shouting like the Levantines in Port Said. No brutality, no liveliness of the market place, but quiet, drifting along, albeit not lacking in a certain lightheartedness. Once you take a proper look at these people you can hardly appreciate Europeans anymore, because they are softened and more brutal and so much rougher and more covetous—and therein unfortunately lies their practical superiority, their ability to take on big things and carry them out. In this climate, wouldn’t we, too, become like the Indians? In the harbor, lively bustling. Herculean laborers with shiny black bodies take care of the cargo. Divers perform their neck-breaking craft. Always that smile and self-effacement for filthy money and satisfied people who are mean enough to be able to enjoy it. At ½ past 12 we set out into the rainy desert of water. Ceylon is a plant’s paradise and yet a stage of pathetic human existence. 31st. Yesterday it was the mikado’s birthday.[20] Celebration on the upper deck before noon. Banzai and singing of the national anthem, which sounds very alien and is strangely structured.[21] Japanese very devout. Unsettling fellows whose nation is at the same time their religion. Weather clearer. Traveling along the coast, first of Sumatra now along the mainland. Interesting refractive effects at the edge of the horizon, because of the temperature or humidity gradients, ships seem to be floating in the air, likewise the far shore. Yesterday evening, spontaneous show by the Japanese. One man sang and wailed like a tomcat whose tail has been stepped on, in accompaniment from time to time with a wild gesture, he coaxed a tone out of a short-fretted guitar-like instrument that seemed not to have anything to do with the sing-song.[22] Slender, distinguished young Japanese (botanist) performs aston- ishing magic tricks, mainly with three red balls that he makes disappear and reap- pear again. Yesterday, saw navigational instruments and was acquainted with the standard methods for determining position. Compass very primitive, with balanced inertial moment. Sextant, clock. Speedometer, the propeller of which is towed behind on a long line. Tomorrow morning Singapore. Mrs. Ishii turns out to be the aunt of Sakuma’s young bride.[23] Weather is brightening up. 2nd November. 7 o’clock in the morning, through narrow passage between small green islands. Arrival in the harbor of Colombo Singapore. There Zionists were waiting for us and gave us a warm welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Montor (he, a brother of the Hamburg actor, himself also theatrically talented, she, of the true Viennese type but having grown up in Singapore) brought us to their spacious home.[24] Drive through the wonderful zoological garden through various parts of town, in not too hot weather. I found out that the indefatigable Weizmann had decided to make use of my voyage for the Zionists’ benefit.[25] Having arrived at the house, I immedi- ately had to compose an answer to a welcoming address that Mr. Montor had writ- [p. 7v] [p. 8] [p. 8v]
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