DOCUMENT 275 AUGUST 1911 309 gibt es nicht. (iH) war in unserer Arbeit richtig In Abrahams Arbeit ist (iB) richtig.[8] Was in unserer Arbeit vielleicht tadelnswert war, d.i., dass wir Drehmomente einführten. Man kann dies, aber es ist nicht erforderlich, und die Behandlung wird einfacher, wenn man Drehmomente ausschliesst. Die relativitätstheoretische Behandlung der Gravitation macht ernstliche Schwierigkeiten. Ich halte es für wahrscheinlich, dass das Prinzip von der Konstanz der Lichtgeschwindigkeit in seiner gewohnten Fassung nur für Räume konstanten Gravitationspontentials gilt.[9] Sie und Ihre Frau[10] grüsst bestens Ihr A. Einstein Auch meine Frau lässt bestens grüssen. Lenard[11] und seine Genossen sind und bleiben abscheuliche Schweine. TTrL (SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 304:63). [15 496]. Transcribed by the recipient. [1]Under discussion is an appointment to succeed Emil Bose as Professor of Physics at the National University of La Plata, Argentina, and Director of its Physical Institute. Laub had been appointed Professor of Geophysics there effective mid-March 1911 (see Pyenson 1978, pp. 98-99, and Emil Bose to Jakob Laub, 1 January 1911, GyMDM, Handschriften-Sammlung, 1961-13). [2]Friedrich Krüger (1877-1940) was Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Technical Uni- versity of Danzig and Director of its Physical-Chemical Laboratory. [3]Johann Königsberger (1874-1946) was Professor of Mathematical Physics at the Univer- sity of Freiburg and Director of its Mathematical Physics Institute. Königsberger expressed in- terest in such an appointment at the end of June (see Johann Königsberger to Jakob Laub, 30 June 1911, GyMDM, Handschriften-Sammlung, 1961-10/11). Edgar Meyer's experimental work is praised by Einstein in Docs. 224 and 241 Erich Regener (1881-1955) was Privatdo- zent in physics at the University of Berlin. Regener had declined the possibility of an appoint- ment a week earlier (see Erich Regener to Konrad Simons and Jakob Laub, 3 August 1911, GyMDM, Handschriften-Sammlung, 1961-15). [4]Friedrich Harms. [5]Gustav Leithäuser (1881-1969) was Dozent in physics and photography at the Technical University of Hanover. [6]Richard Gans (1880-1954) was Privatdozent in physics at the University of Strasbourg. He was the successful candidate. [7]The Institute of Experimental Physics, under the direction of Anton Lampa, was located on the second floor of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Weinberggasse 3 (see Adresaf Prague 1910) (now Vinicnä 7), just below Einstein's Institute of Theoretical Physics. [8]Max Abraham's result is in Abraham 1909, which presents an electrodynamics of moving media that differs from Einstein's and Laub's. Earlier, Einstein had rejected Abraham's results altogether (see Doc. 143). See Doc. 101, note 7, and Doc. 143, note 3 for more on Einstein's and Laub's work and the controversy about the form of ponderomotive forces. Other discus- sions of this topic are in Docs. 224 and 231. [9]See Einstein 1912c (Vol. 4, Doc. 3) for a first published elaboration of these ideas. [10]Ruth Laub, nee Wendt (1886-?). [11]Philipp Lenard.
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