xliv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS University Adam Bryant, for outstanding computer support Michael Chap- lin, Boston Maggie Choi, Boston Douglas Clark, New York, for typogra- phical support Istvan Deäk, Columbia University Andree Despy-Meyer, Universite libre de Bruxelles Michael Eckert, Munich Robert Einstein, Los Angeles Jean Eisenstaedt of Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Juan Estevez, Bloomington Hiroshi Ezawa of Gakushuin University, Tokyo Carolyn Fawcett of the Widener Library, Harvard University Albrecht Föl- sing, Hamburg Huldrych Gastpar, Swiss Literary Archive of the Schwei- zerische Landesbibliothek Ulrich Helfenstein, Director Emeritus of the Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zürich Barry Hoffman, Consulate General of Pakistan, Boston, for his generous assistance in helping the editors obtain previously unavailable material Beatrix and Robert Hoffmann, University of Salzburg Fritz and Rosa Holzer, Lochham, Germany Leo van den Horn, University of Amsterdam Don Howard, University of Kentucky Maria Lutz, Hochschularchiv of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen Mario Marti, Stadtarchiv Bern Richard Newton, Pennsylvania State University Gian Andrea Nogler, Leiter des Archivs der Universität Zürich Edward Bernard Owens, Boston Henriette Schatz, Amsterdam Helmut Schmolz, Director Emeritus of the Stadtarchiv Heilbronn Darren Sinofsky, Boston Kenji Sugimoto of Kinki University, Osaka Guillaume de Syon, Boston Richard E. Waller, Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics Hans Walti, Staatsarchiv des Kantons Aargau Robert Wyler, Director Emeritus of the Manuscripts Division of the Schweizerische Landes- bibliothek Alev Yal?inkaya, Boston Bing Lin Zhao, Boston and Werner G. Zimmermann, Director Emeritus of the Stadtarchiv Zürich.