biographies 641 turer in Hechingen, and Fanny Einstein. Until 1894, frequently visited Ein- steins in Munich with her family. 1896, married Max Löwenthal (1864- 1914), a textile merchant of Swabian origin in Berlin, who was co-owner of Gebr. Bing, a cotton goods firm with headquarters in Hechingen they lived at Lutherstraße 7-8. 1897, gave birth to daughter Ilse, later Einstein's first secretary. 1899, gave birth to daughter Margot 1901/1902, the Löwenthal family moved to Passauerstraße 29-30. 1902, Löwenthal's firm was liquidat- ed, but he remained in Berlin, though the firm continued business in Hechin- gen. 1903, gave birth to a son in Hechingen, who died shortly thereafter. 1908, divorced Löwenthal moved into her parents' residence at Haberland- straße 5 with Ilse and Margot. 1912, began affair with Einstein. 1913-1914, gave poetry readings in Berlin. 1919, married Einstein in Berlin after his di- vorce from Mileva Einstein-Maric the family remained at Haberlandstraße. 1921-1922, accompanied Einstein on his travels to USA and to Japan. 1930, began spending summers at a country house in Caputh near Potsdam, pur- chased the year before. 1933, emigrated to USA and took up residence in Princeton. 1936, died after a painful bout with heart and kidney disease. Her education in Hechingen remains a mystery but the holdings of her library in- dicate that she was well-read in German and European literature. She seems to have revelled in her husband's fame and greatly enjoyed the social life of Berlin. Sources: Records in Hechingen and at GySIK Winteler-Einstein 1924 Berlin address books and commercial registers correspondence in the Einstein Archives. Solovine, Maurice b. 21 May 1875 in Curorani, Romania d. 13 February 1958 in Paris Friend of Einstein. Probably son of a wealthy merchant. Ca. 1885-1895, ed- ucated in Romania, probably in a humanistic lycee. 1902, began private les- sons with Einstein, which soon assumed the character of free-wheeling philo- sophical discussions in what was mockingly referred to as the "Olympia Academy" (see the reading list in Solovine 1956). 1904, moved to Lyon for unregistered attendance of courses at the university there. Ca. 1906, moved to Paris. 1908-1919, collaborated in editing the journal Revue Philosophique. Ca. 1910, married Anna Jeanne Deffes. 1920-1924, published French trans- lations of Einstein's Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheo- rie. Gemeinverständlich, Äther und Relativitätstheorie, Geometrie und Er- fahrung, and The Meaning of Relativity. 1925-1931, edited French transla-
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biographies 641 turer in Hechingen, and Fanny Einstein. Until 1894, frequently visited Ein- steins in Munich with her family. 1896, married Max Löwenthal (1864- 1914), a textile merchant of Swabian origin in Berlin, who was co-owner of Gebr. Bing, a cotton goods firm with headquarters in Hechingen they lived at Lutherstraße 7-8. 1897, gave birth to daughter Ilse, later Einstein's first secretary. 1899, gave birth to daughter Margot 1901/1902, the Löwenthal family moved to Passauerstraße 29-30. 1902, Löwenthal's firm was liquidat- ed, but he remained in Berlin, though the firm continued business in Hechin- gen. 1903, gave birth to a son in Hechingen, who died shortly thereafter. 1908, divorced Löwenthal moved into her parents' residence at Haberland- straße 5 with Ilse and Margot. 1912, began affair with Einstein. 1913-1914, gave poetry readings in Berlin. 1919, married Einstein in Berlin after his di- vorce from Mileva Einstein-Maric the family remained at Haberlandstraße. 1921-1922, accompanied Einstein on his travels to USA and to Japan. 1930, began spending summers at a country house in Caputh near Potsdam, pur- chased the year before. 1933, emigrated to USA and took up residence in Princeton. 1936, died after a painful bout with heart and kidney disease. Her education in Hechingen remains a mystery but the holdings of her library in- dicate that she was well-read in German and European literature. She seems to have revelled in her husband's fame and greatly enjoyed the social life of Berlin. Sources: Records in Hechingen and at GySIK Winteler-Einstein 1924 Berlin address books and commercial registers correspondence in the Einstein Archives. Solovine, Maurice b. 21 May 1875 in Curorani, Romania d. 13 February 1958 in Paris Friend of Einstein. Probably son of a wealthy merchant. Ca. 1885-1895, ed- ucated in Romania, probably in a humanistic lycee. 1902, began private les- sons with Einstein, which soon assumed the character of free-wheeling philo- sophical discussions in what was mockingly referred to as the "Olympia Academy" (see the reading list in Solovine 1956). 1904, moved to Lyon for unregistered attendance of courses at the university there. Ca. 1906, moved to Paris. 1908-1919, collaborated in editing the journal Revue Philosophique. Ca. 1910, married Anna Jeanne Deffes. 1920-1924, published French trans- lations of Einstein's Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheo- rie. Gemeinverständlich, Äther und Relativitätstheorie, Geometrie und Er- fahrung, and The Meaning of Relativity. 1925-1931, edited French transla-

