l v i i i I N T R O D U C T I O N T O V O L U M E 1 2
[19]See Einstein to Ulrich Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, 19 April 1920 (Vol. 9, Doc. 379).
[20]Kurt Blumenfeld to Chaim Weizmann, 20 February 1921 (Weizmann Archives, Weizmann
[21]See “Professor Einstein über die Universität Jerusalem,” Jüdische Rundschau, 30 March 1921.
[22]Chaim Weizmann to Julian Mack, 30 March 1921, Wasserstein 1977, p. 177, and Julian Mack
and Felix Frankfurter to Chaim Weizmann, 2 March 1921 (Weizmann Archives, Weizmann Institute).
For detailed accounts of Einstein’s U.S. trip, see Illy 2006.
[23]See New York American, 3 April; New York Times, 2 and 3 April; Yidishes TogeblatThe Jewish
Daily News, 3 April 1921; and Weizmann 1949, p. 266.
[24]New York Times, 11 April; The New Palestine, 15 April; Yidishes TogeblatThe Jewish Daily
News, 12 April 1921.
[25]See “Reception in honor of Dr. Weizmann and his associates,” 13 April 1921 (Weizmann
Archives, Weizmann Institute), and New York Times, 13 April 1921.
[26]See Urofsky and Levy 1991, p. 73.
[27]See Solomon Ginzberg to Stephen Wise, 13 May 1921 (American Jewish Historical Society,
Archives, Stephen Wise Collection).
[28]On Paul Warburg’s lack of support for Zionism, see Chernow 1993, p. 249.
[29]See Boston Evening Transcript, 18 and 19 May; Boston Herald and Boston Post, 19 May 1921.
[30]See Julian Mack to Chaim Weizmann, 30 March 1921 (Weizmann Archives, Weizmann Insti-
tute). On the emergence of anti-Semitic attitudes among some of the administrators at the Ivy League
universities (including Harvard) during this period, see Karabel 2005, pp. 86–89.
[31]See “Invitation to the reception and banquet” (Library of Congress, Papers of Jacques Loeb/mm
73030429, Container 4), New York Times, 22 May; Jüdische Rundschau, 1 July 1921; and Nathan Rat-
noff, “What We Have Accomplished,” New Palestine 1, no. 50 (30 December 1921): 7.
[32]See “Preliminary Statutes of the American Jewish Physicians Foundation for the Establishment
and Support of the Medical Department of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem,” 21 May 1921
[33]See Doc. 129, note 2. See The Francis W. Parker School Year Book, by Francis W. Parker
School (Chicago, Ill.), Faculty of the Francis W. Parker School, 1918, pp. 7–16. The transcripts are at
WiMaHS, Anita Blaine McCormick Papers, Series 1E, Box 237. Blaine had provided the funds for
establishing the school. See William H. Harper and M. M. Quaife, Chicago: A History and Forecast
(Chicago: Chicago Association of Commerce, 1921), p. 74 and New York Times, 4 June 1899.
[34]On Einstein’s recollections of his first encounter of the Michelson-Morley experiment, and the
historical interpretation of his later statements on it, see, e.g., Holton 1969; Pais 1982, pp. 115–119,
172–173; Stachel 2002, pp. 171–190.
[35]For the earlier invitation to lecture at Columbia University, see George Pegram to Albert Ein-
stein, 9 January 1912 (Vol. 5, Doc. 337).
[36]See Vol. 7, the editorial note, “Einstein’s Encounters with German Anti-Relativists,” pp. 101–
113, and Vol. 10, Introduction, sec. II.
[37]See Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest, 26 November 1920 (Vol. 10, Doc. 209).
[38]See, e.g., “Laurels of Einstein Claimed by Another,” Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), 28
April; “’Einstein Theory Is Old Stuff; I Found It,’ Says Newburgh Man,” New York Evening Journal,
29 April 1921.
[39]These charges are found, respectively, in Gertrude Besse King, “Aladdin Einstein,” The Free-
man, 27 April; “Einstein Just Guessing, Say U.S. Scientists,” New York Tribune, 25 April; “Einstein
Is All Wrong,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, 24 April 1921.
[40]See the articles published on 23 April 1921: “Einstein Wrong, Brush Indicates,” New York
Times; “Doubt Gravitation Law,” Los Angeles Times; “Tests Disprove Einstein Theory,” Chicago Her-
ald and Examiner; “Say Einstein Is Wrong,” Kansas City Star; “Einstein Idea of Relativity Is Cast
Aside,” Post-Standard (Syracuse, N.Y.).
[41]“Einstein Branded Barnum of Science, Minnesota Man Calls Relativity ‘Bunk’,” Minneapolis
Sunday Tribune, 10 April 1921.