CHRONOLOGY, NOVEMBER 1913-FEBRUARY 1914 635 November 12 November 22 December 6 December 7 December 11 Christmas after Christmas 1914, January January 15 January 24 January 30 early February February 9 Emperor Wilhelm II confirms the election of Einstein to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. The Prussian Academy writes Einstein of his election and informs him that it will pay him an annual personal salary of 12,000 marks, as well as moving expenses and survivor benefits. Swiss School Council accepts Einstein's resignation from the ETH. Accepts offer of membership in the Prussian Academy and sets beginning of April 1914 for move to Berlin. "Supplementary Response to a Question by Mr. Reißner" (Vol. 4, Doc. 24). Dedication by Oliver Lodge in Lodge 1913: "Professor Einstein, with the author's compliments, Oliver Lodge, Christmas 1913." Provenance: Einstein's personal library. Mileva Einstein-Marid travels to Berlin to find housing for the family. She stays with Fritz Haber and his wife. Bernhard Naunyn and Orest Chwolson nominate Ein- stein for Nobel Prize in Physics, the former citing con- tributions in relativity, diffusion, gravitation, the latter citing his general contribution to theoretical physics. Delivers lecture on "Neues zum Problem der Gravita- tion," the seventh lecture in the 52nd cycle of town-hall lectures ("Rathausvorträge") in Zurich. "On the Foundations of the Generalized Theory of Rela- tivity and the Theory of Gravitation" (Vol. 4, Doc. 25). Publishes "Comments" (Vol. 4, Doc. 26) on Einstein and Grossmann 1914a (Vol. 4, Doc. 13). Nernst and others propose that Einstein be named per- manent secretary of a scientific committee which will supervise and administer a theoretical physics institute of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Financial problems and the outbreak of World War I postpone the creation of the institute until 1917. Delivers lecture "On the Theory of Gravitation" to a meeting of Naturforschende Gesellschaft of Zurich (Vol. 4, Doc. 28).