636 CHRONOLOGY, FEBRUARY-APRIL 1914 February 19 February 28 March March 18 March 21 March 22 March 23 March 29 "Nordström's Theory of Gravitation from the Point of View of the Absolute Differential Calculus" (with A. D. Fokker) (Vol. 4, Doc. 28). Completes manuscript of "A Method for the Statistical Evaluation of Observations of Apparently Irregular, Quasiperiodic Processes" (Vol. 4, Doc. 29) before this date and on this date delivers a version of it to the Basel meeting of the Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft (Vol. 4, Doc. 30). Completes "On the Relativity Problem" (Vol. 4, Doc. 31). Grants power-of-attorney to Jacob Maag to represent him in his absence in the case of Friedrich Gentner- Aichroth vs. Einstein. Receives a copy of Stern, A. 1906, in which Alfred Stern inscribes the following dedication: "Seinem lie- ben Freund Albert Einstein zur Erinnerung Alfred Stern, Zürich 21.III.1914." Einstein departs Zurich on the day the winter semester at the ETH ends. Visits uncle Caesar Koch in Antwerp. Arrives in Leyden for visit to Paul Ehrenfest. Also vis- its H. A. Lorentz. Arrives in Berlin. March 31 or April 1 Mileva Einstein-Mari5 departs with the children for Locarno in southern Switzerland, where Eduard Ein- stein recuperates from a lengthy illness. April 6 mid-April Registers his change of address from Zurich to Ehren- bergstraße 33 in the Berlin suburb of Lichterfelde West. He works in offices provided for him in Haber's Insti- tute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry. Family rejoins Einstein in Berlin.