4 3 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
March or before AE’s announced visit to the U.S. Proposes
the topic: “Can we imagine the infinity of the universe?”
[44 680].
Feb 23 Lectures on “Geometry and Experience” at the University
of Berlin at a meeting organized by the Mathematisch-
Physikalische Arbeitsgemeinschaft. GyBHU, ASTA,
Bd. 129, Bl. 85–92.
Accepts Chaim Weizmann’s invitation to a Zionist mission
to the U.S.
TLC from IE to K. Hönn. AE apologizes for not being able
to send a brief article because of his imminent journey to the
U.S. [43 930].
Feb 26 TLS from Friedrich Glum. Informs AE and others that Die
Naturwissenschaften will publish a special edition honoring
the 10th anniversary of the KWG and the 70th birthday of
its president, Adolf von Harnack. Scholars are asked to con-
tribute articles about work and research at the KWG before
7 Apr and to keep the special edition a secret since it is
planned as a surprise for Harnack. [77 093-1]–[77 093-3].
TLC from Friedrich Glum. Adolf von Harnack invites asso-
ciates of KW institutes to the 10th anniversary of the KWG,
to be celebrated at Hotel Kaiserhof. [78 112].
TL from Ernst Sorge. Thanks for the lecture “Geometry and
Experience” and informs that the number of participants
was 900. [78 501].
Tgm from Chaim Weizmann. Informs AE that the best date
for departure for the U.S. is 24 Mar, according to the advice
of “our American friends” (“unserer amerikanischen Fre-
unde folgend”). Weizmann will take care of all visa arrange-
ments for the Einsteins. IsJCZA, KH2/36III. [89 007].
Feb 28 Tgm from Chaim Weizmann. Informs AE that the trip to the
U.S. will commence on 24 Mar, and that he will obtain visas
for the Einsteins. IsJCZA, KH1/193. [70 957].
Mar 3 Submits “On a Natural Addition to the Foundation of the
General Theory of Relativity” (Vol. 7, Doc. 54) to the phys-
ical-mathematical class of the PAW.
Participates in the second meeting of the PAW committee on
appointment of a director at the Potsdam Astrophysical