3 2 0 D O C U M E N T 2 0 6 M A Y 1 9 2 2 “I have done all, after all, what could be done by me until at last I have the ple- asure of presenting to the public the fruits of my inquiries arranged under the fol- lowing headings:— “1. General History of the development of the aether theory—from its origin to its ‘golden age’ realized by its accession to the rank of the postulate of invariant constancy of the velocity of light. “2. Appreciable constancy of degree of primitiveness of the wave-theory of light that could not get rid of the necessity of a single, common medium throughout who- le the space. “3. Einstein writhing in terrible agonies of the dilemma between the primitive aether theory and his half-done non-aether theory. “4. Overwhelming prevalence in the early stage of the 18th Century of the Phlo- giston theory which dared so far as to insist on escaping of the phlogiston with a negative weight, in order to account for the observed increase of weight in conse- quence of combustion. “5. Einstein’s postulate of the invariant constancy of the light-velocity. “6. ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ (Not that I wish to compare the above mentio- ned postulate to the imposter-weavers, and Einstein himself to the bamboozled em- peror, but….). “7. D’Alembelt declining the manifold invitations with politest royal courtesy and the alluring offer of splendid incomes of Catherine the Great of Russia as well as of Frederick the Great of Prussia, simply preferring to continue a quiet life of dear incessant research in Paris. “8. Einstein grumbling only about smallness of the sum of money offered by a mediocre book-shop in Japan, but soon starting up with joy on an increase of the sum.[7] “9. Last of all I wish to add an excellent list of literatures and biographical re- marks regarding several most successful of all the sophists ever lived on our earth!” Wishing a good health to you, and expecting you will come to us as fast as you can, I am sincerely yours U. Doi. TLS. [36 439]. The letter includes the return address “Physical Institute, Science College, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan.” [1]Doi (1895–1945) was a research student in physics at Tokyo Imperial University and at the Insti- tute for Physical and Chemical Research. [2]The Kaizo publishing house. The use of the term “book-shop” was most likely meant in a dis- paraging manner.
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