630 CHRONOLOGY, FEBRUARY-MAY 1912 January 30 February February 3 February 23 February 26 March 9 March 23 March 28 April 11 April 15-22 May 12 May 23 Appointed Professor of Theoretical Physics at the ETH with annual salary of 11,000 francs. Dedication by Paul Ehrenfest on title page of Lichten- berg 1879: "Zur freundlichen Erinnerung an einige totgeborene und einige getötete Fl--e und an einige unabtötbare Laster Ihres P. Ehrenfest II. 1912." Prove- nance: Einstein's personal library. Petitions Count von Stürgkh for release from position at German University as of 30 September 1912. Has first meeting with Paul Ehrenfest. "The Speed of Light and the Statics of the Gravitational Field" (Vol. 4, Doc. 3). Named to a committee formed to choose his own successor at the German University. Provenance: Geschäfts-Protokollbuch 1911/12, CzPCU, no. 1069 also petitions to have Emil Nohel continue as assistant until end of September. Provenance: Geschäfts-Proto- kollbuch 1911/12, CzPCU, no. 1068. "On the Theory of the Static Gravitational Field" (Vol. 4, Doc. 4). The winter semester at the German University ends. The summer semester at the German University begins: Einstein teaches courses in the mechanics of continua and the molecular theory of heat, while also conducting seminar discussions. Einstein visits Walther Nernst, Fritz Haber, Emil War- burg, Heinrich Rubens, and Erwin Freundlich in Berlin. In addition to discussing scientific matters with them, he mulls over a position at the Technisch-Physikalische Reichsanstalt (which he will decline) he visits his aunt and uncle Fanny and Rudolf Einstein as well. At their residence in Haberlandstrasse he becomes reacquainted with his cousin Elsa Löwenthal (nee Einstein). "Supplement to My Paper: 'Thermodynamic Proof of the Law of Photochemical Equivalence'" (Vol. 4, Doc. 5). Publishes "Note Added in Proof" (Vol. 4, Doc. 4).