CHRONOLOGY, MAY-DECEMBER 1912 631 May 30 June 1 July July 4 July 25 July 31 ca. August ca. August 1 August 10 September 2 October 3 October 29 December 19 December 30 "Response to a Comment by J. Stark: 'On an Applica- tion of Planck's Fundamental Law . . .'" (Vol. 4, Doc. 6). Count von Stürgkh releases Einstein from his position at the German University as of the end of September 1912. Provenance: Geschäfts-Protokollbuch 1911/12, CzPCU, no. 1581. Publishes "Is There a Gravitational Effect Which Is Analogous to Electrodynamic Induction?" (Vol. 4, Doc. 7). "Relativity and Gravitation. Reply to a Comment by M. Abraham" (Vol. 4, Doc. 8). Departs Prague for Zurich to take up position at the ETH. The summer semester at the German University ends. Begins research notes on a generalized theory of rela- tivity (Vol. 4, Doc. 10) and, probably at the same time, his collaboration with Marcel Grossmann. Einstein and others call for creation of Society for Posi- tivistic Philosophy. Registers his change of residence from Prague to Hof- strasse 116, Zurich. "Comment on Abraham's Preceding Discussion 'Once Again, Relativity and Gravitation'" (Vol. 4, Doc. 9). The winter semester at the ETH begins: Einstein teaches courses in analytical mechanics and thermody- namics, while also conducting a physics seminar. Supports a request by Otto Stern to be considered Ein- stein's collaborator (Mitarbeiter) rather than a student of the ETH. Provenance: SzZE Schulratsarchiv, Proto- kollbuch des Präsidenten des Schweizerischen Schul- rates für das Jahr 1912, no. 469. Is asked to serve as examiner for students working toward a degree in mathematics at the ETH. Prove- nance: Protokollbuch der Abteilung IX, SzZE Biblio- thek, Hs. 1079:2. Wilhelm Ostwald again nominates Einstein for the Nobel Prize in Physics, citing his contribution in