632 CHRONOLOGY, JANUARY-APRIL 1913 1913 January 5 January 16 March 7-8 March 12 March 15 March 19 March 20 March 22 March 27 April 15 relativity Bernhard Naunyn and Wilhelm Wien lend their support. Dedication by Konrad Knopp on title pages of Knopp 1913a, 1913b: "Mit bestem Grusse überreicht vom Ver- fasser Konrad Knopp" and "Mit bestem Dank und Gruss überreicht vom Verf. Konrad Knopp." Provenance: Ein- stein's personal library. "Some Arguments for the Assumption of Molecular Agitation at Absolute Zero" (with Otto Stern) (Vol. 4, Doc. 11). Asked to administer Diplom examinations in theoretical physics. Provenance: Protokollbuch der Abteilung IX, SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 1079:2. Delivers lecture "Energy at Absolute Zero and Theoret- ical Formulae of Radiation" to Zurich meeting of the Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft. Recommends conferring doctorate on Auguste Piccard. Provenance: Protokollbuch der Abteilung IX, SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 1079:2. Participates in Diplom examination of Jacques Wildhaber. Provenance: Protokollbuch der Abteilung IX, SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 1079:2. Is voted compensation for participation in Diplom examinations. Provenance: SzZE Schulratsarchiv, Pro- tokoll des Präsidenten des Schweiz. Schulrates für das Jahr 1913, no. 102. Publishes "Remark Added in Proof" (with Otto Stern) (Vol. 4, Doc. 11). The winter semester at the ETH ends. Delivers lecture "Thermodynamic Deduction of the Law of Photochemical Equivalence" to the Paris meet- ing of the Societe Fran^aise de Physique (Vol. 4, Doc. 12). The summer semester at the ETH begins: Einstein teaches courses in the mechanics of continua and the molecular theory of heat, while conducting a physics seminar and supervising exercises in physics (with Pierre Weiss).