4 5 0 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
aspirations of the Sons and Daughters of Israel to decorate
their buildings with the American colors and the flags of
Zion” to welcome to Newark “the Commission representing
the World’s Zionist Organization headed by its president
Chaim Weizmann and Prof. Albert Einstein.” IsJCZA, Z4/
May 9 Welcomed to Princeton University by its president John G.
Hibben, speaking in German. Receives degree of doctor of
science honoris causa. Diploma dated 7 May [65 015]. Sub-
sequently, presents first lecture in the Stafford Little Lec-
tures series on “Generalities on the Theory of Relativity.“
Daily Princetonian, New York Times, New York Evening
Post, and Evening BulletinPhiladelphia, 10 May, Prince-
ton Alumni Weekly, 11 May.
TDC. Agreement with Princeton University Press on the
publication of his Princeton University lectures. [67 886].
While in Princeton, AE learns that Dayton C. Miller of
Case Institute, Cleveland, has found a non-zero ether drift
during preliminary experiments performed at Mount Wilson
Observatory between Apr 8 and 21. He apparently
responded: “Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist er
nicht.” Overheard by Oswald Veblen; see Dukas memoran-
dum of 21 Jun 1966. [23 154].
The council of aldermen of Hartford grant freedom of the
city to AE, Chaim Weizmann, and other Zionist leaders who
are planning to visit Hartford. Hartford Daily Courant,
12 May.
Sends circular letter inviting prominent Jewish personalities
to a discussion of support for the Hebrew University on 19
May in the Hotel Commodore (see TLS to Peter J. Schweit-
zer [IsJCZA, L12/111]; [85 961] and to Stanley M. Isaacs
[NN, Manuscripts and Archives Division, Stanley M. Isaacs
Papers] [89 812]).
TLC from Elmer E. Brown. Regrets AE’s canceling his lec-
ture at New York University and expresses hope to meet him
before AE leaves the U.S. NNU. [36 230].
Tgm from Richard B. Haldane, reiterating invitation to stay
with him, sent by mail the previous day.
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