C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 7 1
Sep 14 TLC from Vieweg. The Hungarian publisher Pantheon has
transferred 2,357.64 M for the second Hungarian edition of
Einstein 1917a. Asks where AE’s share of 1,571.78 M is to
be sent. Repeats the request expressed in its nonavailable
letters of 7 Jul and 5 Aug about the possibility to publish
AE’s new writings. [42 105].
Ben-Zion Mossinson presents to the Twelfth Zionist Con-
gress in Karlsbad a resolution of the Culture Committee, in
which the Congress “expresses its satisfaction that thanks to
the dedicated activity of Professor Albert Einstein and the
American Jewish Physicians Committee, an opportunity has
been created to establish the first institutions of the medical
faculty of the Hebrew University.” Jüdische Rundschau,
23 Sep.
Sep 15 IE to Renaissance. AE has no objections to a Polish edition
of Einstein 1920j, and requests 15% as royalties. For a Pol-
ish edition of Einstein 1917a, the publisher is advised to
turn to Vieweg. [41 1015].
IE to Vieweg. Requests to transfer the royalty for the second
Hungarian edition of Einstein 1917a to AE’s private
account. The manuscript of the Princeton lectures has not
yet been completed because AE is overworked. [42 104].
Sep 16 TLS from Rudolf Lämmel. Asks for help in getting a posi-
tion. As a “paper Swiss,” a Jew, and a Socialist, he encoun-
ters the harshest opposition and has to fight hard for his
subsistence in Zurich. He had attempted to set up an adult
education center (Volkshochschule), which was ship-
wrecked by the “professors” and the Bolshevists. Now his
plan is to in natural philosophy and pedagogy. [15 011].
Sep 17 TLS from Muller (Methuen) to IE. Proposes a longer book
including Einstein 1920j, 1921c, Einstein’s lecture at King’s
College, and others. [69 004].
TLS from Vieweg. The royalty for the second Hungarian
edition of Einstein 1917a has been transferred to AE’s
account. Looks forward to having the manuscript of the
Princeton lectures for publication. [42 107].
Sep 21 TLS from Barth. Anticipating AE’s approval, they have
made a new imprint of 2,000 copies of Einstein 1916e. A