4 7 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Oct 7 “On the Misery of Children” is published (Vol. 7, Doc. 65).
TLS from Ernest Barker. Requests AE’s works for the
King’s College library, in memory of AE’s lecturing there.
[44 140].
TLS from Vieweg. Renaissance is ready to pay 15% of the
book price for the Ukrainian, Yiddish, and Hebrew editions
of Einstein 1917a. Asks whether AE is holding to his deci-
sion not to ask for an honorarium. They also ask which of
the two etchings of Julius C. Turner AE will choose as the
frontispiece to the new German edition. [42 110].
Oct 8 AKS to N. Johannsen. Being overloaded with correspon-
dence, refuses to continue exchange on a matter in which he
had already stated his opinion. Swann Galleries, Inc. Auto-
graphs. 22 Oct, 1987, lot 89.
ALS from Internal Revenue, Berlin-Schöneberg. On 1 Sep,
the Mail Supervisor Authority (Postüberwachungsstelle) for-
warded to the Internal Revenue a copy of a section of Paul
Winteler’s letter of 27 Aug about a surplus of 12,750 francs
deposited in Lucerne. This was why they turned to AE on 4
Oct to request a reply. The signatory Heinrich Kassel offers
to call AE on Monday to discuss the reply. [43 675].
Oct 10 ALS from Commerzbank, Filiale Stuttgart. Remits
14,543.50 M, for which they are charging him, and crediting
him with stocks. [43 482].
Oct 11 ALS to Internal Revenue, Berlin-Schöneberg. The 12,750
francs in Lucerne belongs to a third person who for political
reasons cannot act as its owner. AE as a Swiss citizen col-
lects the money on his behalf and transmits it to the proper
owner. He himself does not have any accounts receivable in
Switzerland. [43 676].
TLS from Count zu Bentheim (Vereinigte Fürsorge für das
Auslanddeutschtum). On behalf of Joachim von Winter-
feldt-Menkin, invites AE to join the Brandenburg province
committee for the purpose of adding AE’s name on a state-
ment that is in preparation. A donation to their fund would
also be welcome. [43 122].
TLS from Muller (Methuen). In his talk with George B. Jef-
fery he learned that, in Calcutta, part of Lorentz et al. 1920