C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 6 3
dre plus tôt.” Nicholas Rauch S. A. Catalogue de vente No.
13 de la nouvelle série, lot no. 74. [76 910].
TLS to Muller (Methuen). Signed the agreement. Cannot
tell the length of the book on the Princeton lectures but it
will not exceed one hundred pages because he has had com-
plaints not about the length of his publications but about
their brevity. Ready to give recommendations to German
professors but requests names of candidates for he does not
know whose works have already been translated into
English. [67 988].
ALS from Carl Heinrichsdorff. Upon AE’s request for
names of physicians in need, lists two aid organizations that
belong to Verband der Ärzte Deutschlands and Ärztekam-
mer, resp., to be approached. [43 882].
Jul 10 “Impressions of America” is published (Vol. 7, Appen-
dix E). A translation appears in New York Evening Post,
1 Aug.
Jul 11 TLS from Granville Bantock. Regrets that according to his
letter of 30 Jun, AE was unable to accept the invitation of
the University of Birmingham to lecture there. Extends
another invitation for the fall, to deliver a lecture under the
auspices of the Huxley Lectureship. [43 270].
ALS from Federigo Enriques. The University of Bologna
formed a special committee for AE’s reception. Bianchi will
serve as interpreter. Requests German text to be translated
into Italian and distributed to the audience in advance. The
time of visit will be end of Oct. A detailed program will fol-
low later. [9 230].
Jul 12 ALS from Franz (Ferenc) Vámos. Sends a copy of the Hun-
garian edition of Einstein 1917a. Recommends Marcel
Grossmann as a reviewer of the translation, because Gross-
mann is Hungarian by birth. Requests permission for a sec-
ond edition. Solicits a foreword and a photo. Is interested in
the translation of Einstein 1920j and 1921c into Hungarian.
[45 172].
Jul 13 TLC to Adolf von Harnack. Attaches the KWIP budget
report for 1920–1921 fiscal year, the progress report, and
the budget for the next fiscal year. A carry-over of
141,295.83 M from last year will serve as reserve for larger-
scale enterprises. [77 709].