D O C U M E N T 2 7 0 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 8 2 6 7 270. To Else Buddeberg[1] [Scharbeutz,] 23 September 1928 … I… was enchanted by the masterly arrangement and style, and by the acute- ness of the conclusions.[2] And yet I cannot say that I was completely convinced. There is a hard-to-define spiritual need that is remarkably well met by the Catholic religion (especially through its rites), a need that concerns half art and half world- view. I believe that a village that has been deprived of religious ceremony has suf- fered a real impoverishment. This is seen in Protestant areas that have undergone this impoverishment as a result of Luther’s pig-headedness. Despite his admirable style, Freud is a man who lacks much artistic feeling, and therefore he does not feel the lack. But perhaps what we object to in Freud, what narrows and cripples thought, can be extracted from the complex without destroying what is artistically alive. That may be the real problem. Freud is deaf to the music of the spheres, which many a spiritually limited human being is capable of hearing, and without which it cannot live… Your, A. Einstein