D O C U M E N T 1 8 9 M AY 1 9 2 8 1 8 5 188. From Edward H. Synge [Dublin,] 9 May 1928 [See documentary edition for English text.] 189. To Morris Raphael Cohen[1] Berlin W., 10 May 1928 Dear Mr. Cohen, Mr. Wind[2] recently visited me and brought me the chapters, which I have al- ready read in part with great interest. But best of all, he could tell me directly of you and your activities, which he did with great warmth and understanding. He also mentioned that you suffer because of nationalism, a circumstance I know only too well from past experience.[3] But it might console you to know that this suffering has almost ceased, since as time passes people have the laudable urge to turn again to new follies.— I think of you whenever I carry your handsome leather briefcase, filled with music,[4] to the homes of friends to play music. Our physics has at present again become quite interesting, since it doubts the possibility of the application of causality in the usual sense to space and time. If this interests you, you may orient yourself by reading a beautifully and lucidly writ- ten essay by Nils Bohr, which appeared recently in Naturwissenschaften and prob- ably also in Nature.[5] Still, I must admit that I hardly believe in the finality of this change. Kind regards, your A. Einstein P.S. This is not my handwriting, because at present I am sick.—