D O C U M E N T 3 8 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 6 1 send you books for that purpose that in my opinion are well-suited to studying by yourself. However, this will only happen provided that your job leaves you the nec- essary free time to pursue such study. You will see that it is associated with the greatest pleasure. The main thing: proceed very slowly and never hurry. The feel- ing that it is really a pleasure must always prevail. If this feeling goes away, then stop.— Kind regards, your A. Einstein 383. From Vossische Zeitung [Berlin,] 26 January 1929 Dear Professor, It is extremely painful for me to learn that you are upset about our acceptance of Reichenbach’s article.[1] I just beg you to be kind enough to consider that all the Berlin newspapers had published reports on your new work, most of them fantas- tical in nature, and that we have strictly avoided publishing these articles emerging from obscure sources.[2] Only when your work had become an object of public dis- cussion did we consider ourselves obliged to inform our readers. Mr. Joel[3] told us that you had warned us against publishing a certain interview by an incompetent author, and we did not. On the other hand, we thought that a professional of Reichenbach’s standing, who had already given us a series of valuable articles, would be the most appropriate to enlighten the public regarding this subject. Nat- urally, we assumed that he was familiar with the work that he was writing about, and I also see in your letter nothing that contradicts that belief. Whether his conduct violates academic ethics, I cannot judge. But I hope you will grant that the Voss- ische Zeitung approached this subject without unseemly haste and with all conceiv- able caution. Therefore, I hope that your annoyance will not be directed against anyone on whose respect you can so firmly count on as your respectfully devoted feature pages editors of the Vossische Zeitung, [signed Jakobs][4]
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 3 8 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 6 1 send you books for that purpose that in my opinion are well-suited to studying by yourself. However, this will only happen provided that your job leaves you the nec- essary free time to pursue such study. You will see that it is associated with the greatest pleasure. The main thing: proceed very slowly and never hurry. The feel- ing that it is really a pleasure must always prevail. If this feeling goes away, then stop.— Kind regards, your A. Einstein 383. From Vossische Zeitung [Berlin,] 26 January 1929 Dear Professor, It is extremely painful for me to learn that you are upset about our acceptance of Reichenbach’s article.[1] I just beg you to be kind enough to consider that all the Berlin newspapers had published reports on your new work, most of them fantas- tical in nature, and that we have strictly avoided publishing these articles emerging from obscure sources.[2] Only when your work had become an object of public dis- cussion did we consider ourselves obliged to inform our readers. Mr. Joel[3] told us that you had warned us against publishing a certain interview by an incompetent author, and we did not. On the other hand, we thought that a professional of Reichenbach’s standing, who had already given us a series of valuable articles, would be the most appropriate to enlighten the public regarding this subject. Nat- urally, we assumed that he was familiar with the work that he was writing about, and I also see in your letter nothing that contradicts that belief. Whether his conduct violates academic ethics, I cannot judge. But I hope you will grant that the Voss- ische Zeitung approached this subject without unseemly haste and with all conceiv- able caution. Therefore, I hope that your annoyance will not be directed against anyone on whose respect you can so firmly count on as your respectfully devoted feature pages editors of the Vossische Zeitung, [signed Jakobs][4]

