D O C U M E N T S 4 6 7 , 4 6 8 M A R C H 1 9 2 9 4 1 7 467. On the Einstein Forest[1] [Einstein 1930c] Dated 23 March 1929 Published ca. 19 January 1930[2] In: Einstein-Wald 1930, [n.p.] Einstein’s Thanks “A people’s true national wealth is soil and land. If every Jew contributes to the purchase of land in Palestine, then the soil of our country can become a possession of the Jewish people. I received many gifts on the occasion of my fiftieth birthday,[3] but I find particularly gratifying the donations for Eretz Yisrael, which create a new country and new life.” 468. To Eduard Einstein [Berlin,] 23 March 1929 Dear Tetl, It is right that you also took part in the shindig. The stories are true and well told.[1] But dear Tetel, come here. 1) I still can’t travel easily 2) Albert is coming with his wife[2] 3) I don’t like to stay in hotels because of the gawkers 4) I’ve received a beautiful microscope, which we can do a lot of peeping through 5) We have friends with cars 6) You have to see the place where my summer cottage will be (Wannsee, on the other side of the lake)[3] 7)8)9) I’m too lazy to list them here so come, as quickly as the train wheels can get you here. Looking forward to seeing you soon, your Papa Warm regards to Mama[4]