3 8 8 D O C U M E N T S 4 2 6 , 4 2 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 9 426. To Jacques Hadamard[1] [Berlin,] 9 March 1929 Dear Colleague, Mr. Borel was so kind as to tell me about the granting of the doctorate.[2] I am all the happier about this because it is another sign that the political tension be- tween scholars in the two countries has finally diminished.[3] To my great dismay, the state of my health makes it impossible for me to come to Paris. As for the situation at the university in Jerusalem, the experiences of the past years have unfortunately led me to the conviction that the leadership of the institu- tion in Jerusalem is not in the proper hands. Since it was not possible for me to ef- fect a change, and since in this respect Mr. Weizmann was also bound to the Americans by political concerns, I preferred to resign from the board of trustees and the academic council.[4] I believe that this is the best way for me to work to- ward a return to a healthy situation there. In happy memory of the unforgettable hours that I spent in your home,[5] I am respectfully and sincerely yours, 427. From Marie Barthelts[1] Winterthur, Graben 27, 10 March 1929 Dear Doctor, Permit someone you may have long forgotten to offer sincere good wishes to you today for your jubilee. May you continue to enjoy good health, so that you can celebrate the day countless times along with your beloved family and friends. Would you like to wander through a part of the land of your youth with the aid of the following lines? The precise time I cannot recall, but it must have been about thirty years ago that you came to Winterthur, standing in for Prof. Rebstein at the “Tech.” You stayed with the stove builder Wachter,[2] & in the search for someone to play music with, you unexpectedly came to me! In my absence you agreed with Mama[3] on a time in the evening & your youth emboldened me, but I was none- theless worried when you first blew out the candles on the music stand: I know it by heart! We played Mozart sonatas—which for some inconceivable reason were then unknown to me—& it went so well that you arranged for appointments with me in the evenings, which for my part I very gladly kept. What else we played, I
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