D O C U M E N T 3 3 9 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 3 2 3 Does this perhaps indicate that for the pure gravitational field, in addition to , and also vanish? indicates covariant differentiation. For your kind efforts in the matter of the two recent graduates, I would be ex- tremely grateful. Sincerely yours, Dr. Ernst Reichenbächer 337. New Year’s Wishes for 1929[1] [Berlin, between 18 and 20 December 1928][2] [See Doc. 338 in documentary edition for published English version.] 338. New Year’s Wishes for 1929[1] [Einstein 1928v] Dated between 18 and 20 December 1928[2] Published 31 December 1928 In: Chicago Daily News, 31 December 1928, 2. [See documentary edition for English text.] 339. To Richard Courant [Berlin/Gatow?] 18 December 1928 Dear Mr. Courant, I thank you and also Frank for your friendly letters.[1] I am in full agreement with your recommendation for putting an end to the battle of frogs and mice, which completely coincides with the one Cara[théodory] recom- mended to me.[2] I just ask that you not include me in the new editorial staff.[3] Apart from the fact that I already felt that my remaining on the editorial staff was unjustified from an objective point of view, doing so would tarnish such a tidy solu- tion. Hopefully you will now succeed in ridding the world of this matter.— Best regards to you and to Frank, your H 1 H 2 h a