4 2 4 D O C U M E N T S 4 7 7 – 4 7 9 M A R C H – A P R I L 1 9 2 9 477. To Louise Wien-Mehler[1] Berlin W., 31 March 1929 Dear Mrs. Wien, The letters in question probably date from early years when I was very disorga- nized and kept only a very small number of letters.[2] I am currently terribly over- loaded. As soon as I can find a little time, I will look through my old letters, which are unfortunately in complete disorder. If I find something, I will send it to you. Respectfully yours, A. Einstein 478. On Higher Education [Einstein 1929hh] Dated on or after April 1929[1] Published 22 May 1929 In: Deutsches Philologen Blatt 37, no. 21/22 (22 May 1929): 317. The university must develop human and intellectual qualities[2] without regard to the immediate usefulness of what is communicated.[3] A differentiation accord- ing to the main viewpoints[4] of the humanities and the natural sciences seems nec- essary in order to do justice to the difference in intellectual aptitude no one of these orientations can be given priority over the others on the basis its educational value. It is not the material that is essential, but rather the development of the whole per- sonality. 479. From Leo Szilard London, 2 April 1929 Dear Professor, I wish to report good news to you from London. The first man with whom I came into contact here coincidentally proved to be such a fertile ground for our ideas that I hardly needed many words to convince him. He is now a great support to me and