3 4 0 D O C U M E N T S 3 6 0 , 3 6 1 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 360. “On the Anniversary of Lenin’s Death”[1] [Berlin,] 6 January 1929 On the anniversary of Lenin’s death. I respect in Lenin a madness that devoted all his strength, completely sacrificing himself, to the realization of social justice. I do not consider his method suitable for achieving this end.[2] But one thing is certain: men like him protect and renew hu- manity’s conscience.— 361. To Berthold Widmann[1] [Berlin,] 6 January 1929 Dear Sir, The passages from my letters quoted in the Belgian newspaper correspond ex- actly to the original.[2] My information concerning these events came from neutral observers whose credibility is, in my view, beyond any doubt.[3] In addition, the bad things that occurred appear to me to have been an inevitable consequence of the psychic and external situation of 1914.— Complete clarification by faithful cooperation between Belgium and Germany remains important. Still, so many dead letters cannot come to terms with the living ones.— I would be happy to speak with you sometime, very informally, regarding this matter.— Respectfully yours,