4 1 8 D O C U M E N T S 4 6 9 , 4 7 0 M A R C H 1 9 2 9 469. To Frieda Huber[1] [Berlin,] 24 March 1929 Dear little nurse, How sweet you are to think of me. And even more: how cleverly you have fig- ured out how to conceal our wonderful national cigar[2] from the government’s eyes! You women are a kind of anarchists whose wiles give life color. I was quite ill last year (heart), so that I almost found myself pushing up daisies. But there’s nothing better than good wares. Now I have been officially thrown on the scrap heap with such festivity that I feel, God knows, quite important and marvelous. Foolish nonsense. You will immediately see when you (I hope) come back that I’ve become a very respectable and solemn fellow who is constantly spouting splendid, smarmy sayings, almost like Busch’s Saint Anthony when moss was already grow- ing in his wrinkles.[3] In the meantime, warm wishes and thanks, your A. Einstein 470. To Hermann Müller[1] Berlin W., 26 March 1929 Dear Chancellor, Delighted and moved at the same time, I express my deeply felt thanks to the Imperial government for the kind words of high recognition that you have ad- dressed to me.[2] It is a fine proof of the high value that is put on intellectual effort in our country, that those who govern us take such a lively interest in the existence of someone who strives only for intellectual values. By itself, this awareness of the symbolic importance of the recognition accorded me gives me the strength to ac- cept such a high honor without a feeling of deep shame.— Respectfully yours, A. Einstein
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