References are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain institutions, orga- nizations, and concepts that have no standard English translation are listed under their for- eign designation (with cross-references from an English translation). For the meaning of abbreviations, see the List of Abbreviations. INDEX Abraham, Max, AE praises talents of, 10 Achilles, 130 Adler, Cyrus (1863–1940), 209 Adler, Saul (1895–1966), 195, 379 AE on, 195 A. E. Group, New York, names AE its patron saint, AE on, 269 A.E.G., 171, 262 Affine connection and unified field theory, Infeld on, 135 AE criticizes, 135 variation on, Cartan on, 446 Alexander, Alfred (1880–1950), AE thanks for care of Rudolf Einstein, 21 Amira, B., 379 Ansbacher, Luigi (1878–1956), 152 Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann, 17, 41, 132 AE on, 15 Apfel, Alfred, 25 Arago, François (1786–1853), 457 Arco, Georg Count von, on possible experiment on period of rotation of the Earth, 91 AE’s comments, 93 Argentinians, AE on, 17 Arnsztajnówna, Franciszka (1865–1942), 51 Arnsztajnówna, Stefanja (ca. 1890–1942), 51 Arrhenius, Svante (1859–1927), AE’s obituary of, 74 Asch, Bruno, 25 Aschner, M., 379 Assaf, S., 379 Association of Free Socialist Youth, AE on, 221 Auerbach, Elias (1882–1971), AE asks for opin- ion on HU, 87 Auernheimer, Raoul (1876–1948), 423 Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), AE’s aph- orism on, 170 Bachofen, Johann J., 355 Baerwald, Alex (1877–1930), 144 Baerwald-Eisenberg, Charlotte (1883–1937), 144 Bahr, Hermann, 423 Bakalov, George (1873–1939), 191 Baluschek, Hans, 25 Bandi, Franz (1886–1973), 37, 38 Bandi Jr., Ernst (1907–1991), 37 Bandi-Winteler, Rosa (1875–1962), 37 Baneth, H., 379 Bárány, Robert (1876–1936), plan for interna- tional diplomats and politicians school, AE on, 231 Barbusse, Henri (1873–1935), 191, 311 Barthel, Max (1904–1980), 39 on photochemi- cal equivalence law, 39–40 AE’s comments, 52 Barthelts, Marie (1840–1932), birthday greet- ings and reminiscences, 388 AE thanks for, 414 Barthelts, Marie (1865–1945), 388, 414 Bartseva, Tatyana S. (1886–1984), 114 Bauch, F.W.O. (1903–1996), 282 Baumbach, Ernst, 25 Becher, Johannes R., 25 Beck, Kurt, 25 Becker, Carl H. (1876–1933), 88 AE praises ef- forts for intellectual freedom, 234 Beerfelde, Hans-Georg von (1877–1960), 122 Beethoven, Ludwig van, AE on accomplish- ments of, 124 Behne, Adolf, 26