3 2 4 D O C U M E N T 3 4 0 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 340. To Eduard Einstein [Berlin,] 18 December 1928 Dear Tetel, I have noticed with the greatest astonishment that you are beginning to take an interest in the exact sciences. Therefore I have sent you a serious but intelligent book on them.[1] Tell me whether you find pleasure in it. At the moment I have no cash, because the 10,000 marks have been securely invested, and of course there are not yet any interest payments.[2] Be sure to diligently go up the Zürichberg it’s just as well not like Busch’s hero (I’d rather be elsewhere, but I’m here anyway).[3] Albert is coming with his wife for Christmas,[4] but day after tomorrow I’m going to my hermitage. Plesch has bought a big property on the water, and it has vacant chauffeur’s quarters.[5] There I’ll cook for myself and be all alone. Now you have arrived at the age when you should spend a lot of time with me. I suggest that despite your Matura, we spend Easter together. In any case, I have to be away from home on my fiftieth birthday.[6] From a health point of view, I’m slowly getting better, especially since I remain very still and never go out. (But for the same reason many people come here.) I am working a lot and the noble goddess of wisdom is leading me by the nose. I still don’t know whether there’s genuine life in my new egg. I wish you both[7] joyful, happy holidays. Your, Papa I’ve had a falling out with the young Mendels, and I’m also on bad terms with their elders—too bad, but true.[8] Proverb: In women (water) there’s nothing to hang on to.
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