D O C U M E N T S 1 9 4 – 1 9 6 M AY 1 9 2 8 1 8 9 194. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 17 May 1928 Dear Mr. Kohn, I am sending you here for your private information a letter from Prof. Fodor with the request that you read it, but allow no one else to read it except, if need be, Mr. Brodetsky.[1] I am well aware that Prof. Fodor is an excitable and not very tactful man, but there is no doubt that the “administration” of the organs in Palestine, which lack any expert knowledge, is intolerable for a scientific worker. Such lay people should have no influence over the university’s operation. From Ehrmann I hear that a meeting of the board of trustees in the presence of Felix Warburg is planned.[2] I do not consider it important to be present at it. But if the conviction that the current mismanagement must be completely altered does not win out, and if the whole administration is not conferred on Brodetsky and the academic coun- cil, then I will make a ruthlessly noisy exit from the administration.— Best regards, your A. Einstein 195. To Wilhelm Johann Schlenk [1] [Berlin,] 17 May 1928 Dear Colleague, My warmest thanks for forwarding the diploma and for your kind accompanying letter.[2] What we receive without deserving it is always the finest thing in life, as it is here. I can easily imagine that you have done this out of the goodness of your heart and your rosy soul. Kind regards and warmest thanks, your 196. To Albert Stein[1] [Berlin,] 17 May 1928 Dear Sir, I must honestly admit that I don’t care much for the purely scientific profession. I also advise very talented young people to take up a practical occupation in which they don’t have to feverishly wait to be touched by God’s grace. An interview with me would be of little use.[2] I am ill and have no influence in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. It is true that I am the pro forma director of a Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, but this has never taken concrete form.[3] Respectfully yours,