D O C U M E N T 3 5 9 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 3 9 nian metric, but also a distant parallelism, which we have up to now felt to be char- acteristic of Euclid’s [geometry] and the simplest field equations of such a manifold lead to the well-known laws of electricity and gravitation. Even the equa- tions will have to be put back into the junk room, in spite of their success.[6] I will not forget to send you the articles. If you don’t stick out your tongue, you are a hypocrite “I know you, my boy,” says the Berliner.[7] Warm greetings to you and Anna,[8] and best wishes for ’29. Your, A. E. My health is slowly improving. But I was close to kicking off, so it wasn’t rea- sonable to postpone any longer. Greetings to Sauter and to Schauenberg,[9] and to the others, when they happen to be around. 359. To Eduard Einstein [Berlin, after 5 January 1929][1] Dear Tetel, I enjoyed your letter, especially what you wrote about the hotel.[2] I also hate it and am glad to note, in this respect as well, an inner connection between us. I feel that I have already not seen you for a very long time and have a strong need to have you with me again.[3] Albert and his wife are coming here for Easter.[4] But you could also certainly come, I’d simply find lodging for you with acquaintances so long as Albert is here. Incidentally, there’s another hitch. On 14 March, I have to flee in order to escape my ,[5] at which I might otherwise become seasick. That is still quite a long time before Easter. In any case, I want to see you before your Matura. I’m now very happy because I have—after incredibly intensive work—solved in an entirely satisfactory way my gravitation-electricity problem, and thus more or less completed my life’s work.[6] The rest is just a free extra. Remarkably, I with- stood the great effort involved quite well, and feel good, though I am still leading an extremely retired and economical way of life. If you come back, I’ll try to ex- plain my idea to you a little. However, I don’t expect to receive the commendation of the guild any time soon. But I don’t care about that. The thick book shouldn’t put you off.[7] It can be read in short chapters, always keeping in mind that it is the chosen intellectual work of the century, presented by an insignificant but orderly and clear-headed person. Warm regards to you and Mama[8] from your Papa I read Bernard Shaw’s new book on socialism and capitalism with great admiration.[9] You will soon receive it from me and you absolutely must read it. R ik 0 = 50.B.C.