D O C U M E N T 3 5 5 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 3 7 355. From Jakob Grommer[1] [Minsk, between 1 January and 31 May 1929][2] Dear Prof, How is your health? I long to hear from you, dear Prof. Write to me scientifically as well. People here are very interested in your work. I myself would like to work my way into your ideas again with fresh energy. In the meantime, I have been very busy with my lectures. In September ’28 the invitation to Berlin was sent out, and the letter went back.[3] I had also told the peo- ple in Berlin that initially I would teach only in Yiddish for the “Yiddish Department.”[4] But when I came here, it turned out that here a professor of astron- omy, Michailovsky,[5] had just died, and I had to take over his lectures in Russian. So I am teaching mechanics for the 3rd and 4th classes and probability calculation in Russian. Also “differential calculus” in Yiddish. I feel comfortable and am happy. Will it be possible for me to work with you for a few weeks starting in June 1929? If you invite me to do that, then I will surely obtain the permission. To tell the truth, during the last weeks I have had the feeling that you are unhappy with me.[6] But I must say that I worked with complete devotion with I. and recognized my shortcomings myself, and drew your attention to them, both by telephone and in person. Your, Grommer 356. New Year’s Wish for 1929 [Einstein 1929k] Published 2 January 1929 In: Neues Wiener Journal, 2 January 1929, p. 9. [Not selected for translation.]