D O C U M E N T 4 8 0 A P R I L 1 9 2 9 4 2 5 has also introduced me to Wells[1] in an informal way, by simply inviting both of us to have a meal with him.[2] As luck would have it, Wells is coming to Berlin for three days on 13 April to give a lecture at an event that is being organized by Mrs. Antonina Vallentin.[3] Wells would be very happy to meet with you however, I fear that he cannot speak German, so that it is inevitable that the unfinished Tower of Babel will cast its shadow upon this meeting. I have been offered the task of arranging the translation into German of the newest books by Haldane[4] and others the honoraria for the translations are gen- erous, and it was suggested to me that some part of them may be used at our own discretion for financing our efforts in this preparatory phase. If I succeed in finding suitable translators, our preliminary financial needs will thus be covered. I will get back to you soon! Sincerely yours, Leo Szilard P.S. Of course I gave your message afterward to Wells, .and he was visibly pleased by it.[5] 480. To Ferdinand Müller [Berlin,] 3 April 1929 Dear Sir, The fact that the increase in the mass of the sound post had no influence on the tone proves in any case with certainty that the back of the violin plays no role in producing its tone.[1] The action of the system consisting of the strings and the bridge seems to me to occur according to the following principle: The inertial re- action of the vibrations of the strings produces torsional oscillations in the bridge, which have their midpoint near the upper end of the sound post and which are trans- ferred to the top through the foot of the bridge, which is opposite the sound post. I know of a quite simple method to test this experimentally, but I am too overloaded with correspondence to explain it to you in writing.— There remain the roles of the top, of the air space inside the body, and of the F- holes to be investigated. For these, also, I have methods that could be readily car- ried out.— Respectfully yours,