D O C U M E N T 3 7 1 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 5 3 370. Statement to the Press regarding Einstein 1929n[1] [Einstein 1929i] Dated 12 January 1929 Published 14 January 1929 In: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 14 January 1929, p. 3. [See documentary edition for English text.] 371. To the Julius Family [Berlin, 12 January 1929][1] Dear Juliuses, Many thanks for your kind letters. I am especially pleased that you, dear Mary, are able to regulate your “husband” again, even if—as you yourself imply—with great difficulty.[2] My ticker (heart) is working better again, but my mobility is still very limited. I hardly ever go out of the house, not even to scientific events (uni- versity academy). But in my quiet hermitage I have worked with great scientific success, and this gives me an equivalent. Whether I will be able to come to Holland again (and especially to Utrecht)—I hope I can, anyway. If I continue to improve as I have so far, I should be able to do it. I really can’t understand why Ehrenfest visits you so little, when he could do it so easily. I recently saw him when he was visiting Gallinka, who works in Jena.[3] I often think of you, even if I write so little. In my case, the private man really comes up short. Although it often makes me sad, I cannot change that. The damned mailman and the brain-eating Lady Science are chiefly to blame for it. But I think often and with pleasure about you. Warm regards to all three of you[4] from your A. Einstein