D O C U M E N T S 3 7 4 , 3 7 5 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 3 5 5 374. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin, ca. 16 January 1929][1] Dear Sister, Your good wishes pleased me very much. In fact, something wonderful hap- pened to me that completes my life’s work and makes it a satisfying whole.[2] This will, however, be recognized only slowly, but it’s enough for me just to be aware of it. I’m glad that you have electric lights.[3] Now you must also buy an electric heater, with which one warms not the room but the person by means of radiant heat (costs about 20 marks). I have one in my study and am very happy with it. My health is steadily improving even if I still leave the house only on rare occasions.[4] Yesterday I was with Toni, who has become very fond of you.[5] She also liked Bice particularly well.[6] Margot made marvelous things again, and she also has a lively friend, which seems to me a still greater achievement for her.[7] My Tetel (Eduard) is doing his Matura next summer.[8] He is a particularly nice fellow and writes so well and drolly. I want to really see to it that he comes to visit you some- time. In his case there are no reasons for concern. He still doesn’t know what kind of work he will do. He is a skilled writer, that is actually his most obvious gift. He also plays the piano well, and more often when the people around him like it. I read with the greatest interest [George] Bernard Shaw’s latest book on national economics issues.[9] When my children have read it,[10] I’ll send it on to you. You’ll also receive Bachofen’s famous book on Greek myths.[11] Maybe I’ll include something else as well. Kind regards from your Albert 375. Message for the United Palestine Appeal in the United States [Berlin, after 16 January 1929][1] Palestine already represents a wonderful, living monument to Jewish community spirit.[2] See to it that it becomes our pride and our unifying center, as the Temple in Jerusalem was for our ancestors.[3] A. Einstein